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Chappo- The Working Holiday
Your POV
I was driving to the airport, I was going to Australia on a working holiday. The best part was I was going to be working at a café just in front of the lifeguard tower. I knew they do daily coffee runs and I had a job at that café.

After the long, boring connected flight from England to Australia I finally set foot in the heat. I quickly ran to the closest toilet and got changed into my summer dress I brought in my carry on.

After I got changed, I got in a taxi and went straight to my hotel. I was very pleased with my room as it looked straight out to Bondi. I noticed a very cute looking man, walking along the beach, he was very tanned and muscular. Before I knew it he was in the water on a big blue board paddling out to a struggling swimmer. He must be a lifeguard I thought to myself. I had planned to go to the beach but this made me want to go sooner.

After rooting through my suitcases, I finally found my bikini. I was planning on getting a tan to look like I fit in and not look like a milk bottle.

I grabbed my  book Great Expectation's and headed down to the beach. I arrived and it was busy, but what did I expect, it was the school holidays. I set up near the tower and just lay down reading.

After about an hour a shadow of a person leant over me. "Excuse me please can you move. If you couldn't tell I really need a tan." I said a bit sarcastically.

"Oh I know. I came to check on you, you're a Pommie I see. I'm Chappo by the way. I'm a lifeguard here at Bondi." I removed my book from my face to see it was the man I was staring at when I was on the balcony. I blushed.

We chatted for about 10 minutes before a man came out "Christopher Chapman! You were sent out here to check on the girl and not have a conversation! Your lunch break is in half an hour then you can talk for an hour." The man bellowed.

"Sorry about that, he's my boss Hoppo, well anyway I'll talk to you in half an hour if you are still here. Also if you go in the water swim between the red and yellow flags." Chappo left.

About half an hour later another shadow covered my sun. "Chappo, how many times do I have to tell you, I need a tan!" I chuckled.

"You wish I was Chappo, pretty lady." I began to panic and slowly removed my book from my face, to see a middle aged man just staring at my breasts.

"Excuse me sir, but please leave me alone." I stated rather scared.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing all alone on this beach." He stated instead of questioning.

"I'll tell you what she's doing! She's waiting for her boyfriend. Me! Now back away from my girlfriend!" I look up to see Chappo glaring at this man. "I am a lifeguard, so, unless you want me to issue a citizens arrest, until the cops get here, which I will call if you don't leave her alone, then I suggest you leave this beach immediately!" Chappo stated in a tone that scared me.

I was confused as why Chappo called me his 'girlfriend' but before I could ask he explained it. "Sorry about calling you my girlfriend, we've dealt with idiots like that a lot and sometimes they need to know stuff, even if it isn't true." I nodded and then spoke for the whole of his lunch break. After his lunch break was finished, he insisted I went to the tower to stay with Deano and Maxi he said he wouldn't of noticed the man if he hadn't come to meet me. I quickly agreed worried it would happen again.

I sat in the tower until Chappo had finished and then went and got fish and chips. We sat on the beach and watched the sunset. Getting to know each other.

*1 year later*

About a week after Chappo saved me from the pervert, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Obviously I agreed. He had saved me more times than I could count. I got to know the rest of the boys and became good friends with all of them, I was always up for a laugh with them, and I was going to the icebergs for a drink with them. I didn't want to tell them, but it was the last night out I would have with them. My working visa expired the next day, Chappo knew because he was my boyfriend and I couldn't hide it from him.

*another year later*

After living back in England for a year with regular holidays to visit Chappo, our relationship got stronger, I was going back for another year with another working holiday. Little did I know this time your life would change forever.

After finally landing in Australia again I saw all the boys holding a sign, however there was no Chappo in sight. When I got closer I saw the sign read Y/N will you marry Chappo? After reading that I ran to them only for them to separate in the center to reveal Chappo on one knee.

I said yes!

This meant I could get an Australian Citizenship meaning I wouldn't have to go back to England after a year. I planned the wedding every day, and got a date and venue booked. As the only girls who were still friends with me, even after I left to go back to England, were the lifeguards girlfriends it worked out quite well. Chappo's best man was Maxi and my maid of honour was Thalia, all the groomsmen were paired with their girlfriends, and Hoppo walked me down the isle. It was the best day of my life and a day I will never forget.

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