Jethro- The Cheese Grater Victim
Jethro's POV
I was on my lunch break and decided to eat near flat rock. The view from there is stunning. As I was sat eating, I saw a girl no older than me running down with her friends laughing. Before I knew it she tripped and was holding her ankle. I couldn't get down quick enough to help her out.Just as I approached her a wave came crashing in pushing me off my feet and dragging both of us all the way across the rocks. When we stopped moving I tried to get her to stand up, she couldn't. When I looked at her ankle I saw her foot was facing the wrong way. 'That's a banger of a dislocation' I thought to myself, I mean I should know, I've got injured so much in this job I've lost count. The one I remember most is when I was patrolling on the ski, didn't kill the engine soon enough and dislocated my shoulder. "Hey, I'm a lifeguard, I'll help you don't worry." I knew the pain she was in and carried her all the way to the tower.
I sat the girl down on the chair outside the tower and knocked on the door. Chappo answered, took one look at me "flat rock?" He asked in between fits of laughter.
"Christopher Chapman, do not laugh at the cheese grater victim." Someone shouted. They came into view it was Kerrbox and he burst out laughing to when he realised it was me. "Jethro you should know better! You've seen what happens." Kerrbox said as Chappo regained his breath.
"Let me explain, I was sat near flat rock, because the view is stunning, and I saw a girl with her friends. She fell and was holding her ankle so I went to help. Before I knew it was wave came out of nowhere knocked me over then dragged us both across the rocks for about 3 feet. She dislocated her ankle and is scraped up way worse than me."
Chappo sorted me out whilst Kerrbox went to check on the girl who I still don't know the name of.
Your POV
This lifeguard had picked me up off the rocks and carried me up to the tower. I heard laughter when he walked up to the tower. I assumed his friends were joking about how scraped up he was. A man came out to me and has one look at my ankle. "I'll be back in one minute I'm just gonna check on Jethro" He said, I learnt the guy who rescued me was Jethro. 'That's his name!' I thought to myself.A few seconds later the man came back, my adrenaline has worn off and now I was in agonising pain. The man helped me inside "oh I'm sorry I've just realised I never introduced myself, I'm Kerrbox and Chappo is helping Jethro."
After the man I then knew as Kerrbox introduced himself I introduced myself loud enough for Jethro to hear "I'm Y/N"
Kerrbox and who I guessed was Chappo carried me inside and onto the bed. Kerrbox then started putting this liquid into what looked like a whistle and it was green. "Here suck in this it's a strong painkiller that will help with your ankle until the paramedics arrive. We call it the green whistle."
I laughed "thankyou and I wonder why it's called 'The green whistle'" I pointed to the fact it's green and shaped like a whistle "also is Jethro ok?"
"Jethro's fine thanks for asking" I spun around to see Jethro looking at me smiling.
"Good to know, Y/N is also fine. Thanks for not asking." I said sarcastically whilst grinning.
This was the start of a new friendship. One that would eventually turn to romance. After being friends for 3 years Jethro asked me to be his girlfriend and 5 years after that he proposed. My life was all I could ever ask for, I had my husband with me, I had a job, as a surf coach. I loved teaching nippers how to surf and best of all that meant working near Jethro!

Bondi Rescue Imagines (no longer updating)
FanfictionImagines of the Bondi Lifeguards Updates won't be consistent but I'll try