Harrison- The Bullied Victim
Harrison's POV
I have a beautiful girlfriend, she's amazing. I've been with her for a few years, but I feel like she's changed. She's always happy and cheery, but when she sees Y/N that always changes. Y/N is an amazing person and lifeguard, she's always really energetic, but she gets really scared when she sees Alley. There's something going on between them but I don't know what. It's starting to worry me.*knock knock*
"Hutts can you get the door? I'm watching Jess doing a rescue." Y/N asked, her voice sounds like an angel. Wait what am I thinking? I have a girlfriend! Low and behold the knock at the door was Alley.
"Hi, Harrison!" She said in a high pitch tone, it was really annoying, for some reason I had never noticed it before. She walked straight in "Hi Y/N" she spat. See what I mean? Happy to me then completely changed to spiteful towards Y/N. She didn't acknowledge Alley "I said hello Y/N!" Alley shouted.
"Alley, leave her be. She's working like I should be doing so what did you come here for?" I asked, it wasn't supposed to sound rude but it did.
"Are you sticking up for this!" Alley completely objectified Y/N "I'm you're girlfriend! You should take my side!"
"For starters 'this' has a name, her name is Y/N. I'm not taking your side because that is no way to treat anyone, so I suggest you leave unless you actually have a reason to be here. Goodbye Alley, see you after work." I said Alley glared at me and walked out in a huff. When she left Y/N let out a massive sigh of relief.
*skip a week*
Your POV
Alley has been getting more and more irritating and when people aren't around she decides to attack me. I think she knows, I'm head over heels for Harrison. Everyone has begun to realize that I'm scared when Alleys around but they don't know why. I was thinking about Alley and how I can avoid her. I was torn from my thoughts by the radio "Central to Backies." it was Harries."Go ahead Central," I said.
"There's a gang not far from you looks like there's gonna be a punch up, I suggest you swap with one of us."
"Harries I'm fine, as long as Hoppo doesn't find out I'll keep an eye on it." Hoppo was like a father to me and very protective. Before I knew it the guys had circled me, they attacked me from all angles, I was punched in the stomach, in the head and one of them managed to break my arm.
Suddenly a rhino came speeding down the golden sand. It was Jesse! I wished it was Harrison but Jesse would be best for this, he took off his shirt showing his 'My Brothers Keeper' tattoo. "Get away from her!" Jesse shouted that got their attention when they saw the tattoo they ran. Jesse helped me into the rhino, I was in agonizing pain, I couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cry.
When we got to the tower Harrison was there, but so was Alley. "Oh look! Little baby lifeguard Y/N is crying." Alley laughed.
I just ignored her, Jesse glared at her and Harrison did the unthinkable. "Alley if you really think that is the way to treat someone after they have just been attacked then you are crazy!" Alley snickered at Harrison then slapped me. She slapped me! "That's it! Do you think it's alright to laugh at Y/N when she gets attacked, then slap her? Well, in all honesty, I don't care what you think. It's not ok! Because of how you treated her and how you have been treating her, it's over! Goodbye Alley, I never want to see you again!"
Alley was about to say something when Harrison kicked her out of the tower. "You didn't have to do that Hutts, I know you love her," I said.
"Lies! I love you Y/N I always have done. why do you think I stick up for you, and always take your side? Its because you mean more to me than she ever did. So with that being said, Y/N will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
I decided to have some fun with Harrison. "It depends will you let Jesse treat me because I'm in a lot of pain and I'm pretty sure one dude broke my arm." I held my arm up, well attempted, and it just flopped back down. Harrison winced in sympathetic pain and went up to the top of the tower to call an ambo because it was obvious I would need one.
A/N this was my first ever request. Hope you like it.

Bondi Rescue Imagines (no longer updating)
FanfictionImagines of the Bondi Lifeguards Updates won't be consistent but I'll try