Chapter Two (Broken Promises)

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Chap. 2

A promise is a sacred sealed between the two people. By holding onto someone's promise is like walking down a lava full of pain and disappointments.
But with each others promise that is kept, it brings so much hope and happiness.
But promises are meant to be broken...

(The two little boys were playing hide n seek)

"Five,four,three,two,one. Ready or not here I come"(little tae counting while closing his eyes which means he will be the one will find kookie)

"I can see you, hehehehe"(smilling tae while looking at a moving curtains which is kookie)

"Tag! I caught you kook!(tae)

(Kookie giggled)

"Chaseee meee kookieee"(said little tae while running without looking at his way he accidentally dropped a flower vase)

*splash* (sounds of a flower vase that has dropped)

"What happened?!"(Tae's grandma)

"It was him!"(said kookie while pointing at tae) "He did it!"

*little tiger bit little bunny's finger*

"Aaaaaaaaah"(kookie screamed)

"Bad boy!"(tae's grandma while spanking him) "Why did you bite him?!"

(After the spank)

"Oh tata, you are the only one who loves taetae 😞"(sobbing tae)

(The door suddenly opened which is kookie entering, tae saw him)

"Go away!"( said tae while turning back) "I dont wanna see you!"

[little did he know that kookie was holding an Ice cream]

"TaeTae, I'm sorry"(was about to hand him the ice cream but he turned away)

"I said go away! We are not friends anymore shoo shoo rabbit!"(tae)

"Please dong be mad at me Taetae, I brought your favorite Ice cream,chocolate mint"(kookie)

(Tae saw the ice cream and he snatch it away to kookie and instantly licked it)

"I'm still mad at you rabbit!"(said tae while licking)

"I promise, I will not do it again"(said kookie with a sincere eyes) "But could you promise me that you will never hit me again?"


"Now that we are friends you can have some of my ice cream too"(tae)

(The next day)

"Ewww jungkook,likes tae!"-smol boy 1

"He is gay!"-smol boy 2

"No I'm nott!!"-(kookie)

"I don't like him!"-kookie

"Yes you do!"-smol boy 3

"Kookie and tae sitting on a tree
K-i-s-s-i-n-g"-smol boyz

And I'm not GAY!"(jungkook shouted angrily)

(Then soon realize that tae is beside him when he turned around he receives a)

(Tae punched jungkook)

*thesmolboyz was shookt*

"Taehyung! Come back here!"(tae's grandma was chasing him while holding a hanger)

"No nana you'll gonna hit me!"(tae runs so fast)

"Then why did you hit jungkook?"(said hid grandma)

"It wasnt me grandma!"(tae)

"I know it was you tae! How dare you lie to your nana?"(grandma)

(Tae stopped and stare to kookie angrily)

"Promise, I didn't tell her that you hit me!"(kookie)


"I HATE YOU !!! Kookieee-yaaaahh liarr!!(tae shouted)

"Please don't hate me taetae, I promise it wont ever happend again!"(said kookie)

I have many promises to him
Some I couldn't keep.
-(grown up Jungkook)

I would get many bruises here and there ...and so on
I endured it all until the day comes where he will no longer hit me again.

But now

I will do anything
I don't care if he will hit me again
As long as I could hear his voice and feel his touch again...

I miss you so much Taehyung- (grown up jungkook)

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