Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 (Transferee)


Third person's Pov

(Tae mistook baekhyun as jk)

"Byun, byun baekhyun at your service"-(said baekhyun while smilling)

"I'm sorry but do I know you?"-taehyung

"I know you don't know me yet so, I'll introduce myself. First I'm byun baekhyun,and second I just transferred here today and third I saw you unconsciously lying on the ground so I brought u here in the infirmary"-baekhyun

(Tae was shocked because he speaks so fast and that made tae open his mouth)

*baekhyun close tae's mouth*

"And if you are wondering why I know where is the infirmary... its because the infirmary is just in front of the bench where you were unconscious"-baekhyun

(Tae opened his mouth again because hes still not use to baekhyun's speaking)

"Open that mouth again, and I'll promise I'll close that using my mouth"-baekhyun said jokingly

(Tae immediately close his mouth)

"I'm just kidding"-said baekhyun *while messing tae's hair because he finds tae adorable*

(But jungkook saw it...)

(Crazy little thing called, "Jealousy")

"I think I know where is taehyung"-Yoongi

"Where is he hyung?"-jk

"Give me *** won first"-said yoongi and his hand is ready to take the money

(Jk handed the money immediately)

"Maybe he went to his favorite spot"-Yoongi

(Jk immediately went to tae)

*Jk heard someone talking so fast as he was about to approach he saw tae with someone.... and worst that someone mess tae's hair and somehow that made jk's blood boil*

*jk cleared his throat*

(The two noticed that someone is staring them intensely)


"So, this is jungkook"-baekhyun

"So what if I'm jungkook"jk response rudely and raise his eyebrow

"Why do you like you are about to eat me?"-baekhyun joke

"Eat? I'd rather skin you alive"-jk said calmly without looking at baekhyun because his eyes are on tae

(Baekhyun left them because of confusion)

"I think I'll leave you two, bye my little tiger"-(said baekhyun referring to tae)

(That made jk's jaw clenched)

"J-jungko"-tae didnt finish his words because

"I miss you so much"-(jk said and hugged tae)

(Tae also hugged jk back but suddenly an image of iu and jk hugging flash in his mind so he immediately release himself from the hug)

*jk seems to be confuse but he managed to be calm*

"What are you doing here?"-tae asked without looking at jungkook because is mad at him

"T-tae let me explain"-jk

"Explain about what?"-tae

"About earlier"-jk respond while scratching his head

"Earlier?"-tae knows but still asking to let jk get into his nerves

"You know, me and iu hugged"-jk

"You and iu? Haha"-(tae laugh sarcastically)

"What about it?"-tae


"Do you think I will be mad?"-tae


"Really? Jk let me ask you something.."-tae

"W-what is it?"-jk

"W-what are we?"-tae

(Jk went silent for awhile..and answered..)


"See.. we are BESTFRIENDS"-tae(felt like his heart will turn into pieces)

(Jungkook saw how tae's eyes change when he said the word BESTFRIENDS)

(Tae turned his back and immediately wipe his tears and turn to jungkook again)

"Y-you know w-wh"-(tae didnt finish his words because...)


"Uh-oh"-(jk turned his back and saw iu)

(Tae felt like he was a thirdwheel so he left them)

"Jungkookie, I have a good news"-iu

"What is it?"-jk

(iu showed jk a tickets for the musical theater where they will date)

*Jungkook's eyes widen and immediately turned his back and checked if tae saw it*


(But tae is nowhere to be found)

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