Chapter 29 (Finale)

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Someone's Pov

It's the first day of january, many men came to my shop to buy a bouquet or a single rose to give to their wives or girlfriends.

And there's this man keep visiting my shop everyday buying a single rose or sometimes bouquet of Primrose which means eternal love he is so sweet.. the girl is so lucky how I wish it was me ;(
He always smiles at me so brightly

"Can I have a bouquet please"-he said with his bunny tooth. Awe he is so cute
I know he won't like me because he really loves his girlfriend, and here I am a boy.
I guess he is a straight man.

"Okay sir, is it for your girlfriend?"-i asked
He just smiled and gave me the payment and he left.

He keeps coming at my shop.I guess he really likes the rose I'm selling. And I can't help myself to like him.
I tried to stop because I know he has a girlfriend already.

(The next day)

Someone's Pov

As usual I waited for him again.
This time he looked so sad. And I can't help it. So I asked him.

"Sir.. why do you look sad today?"
He replied,"My boyfriend can't remember our anniversary" oww fk that hurts my feelings but boyfriend?

"B-boyfriend?"I asked.
"Yes. We are dating for years already and I'm planning to propose to him"he responded. I feel like my heart is going to break.

(January 14)

Someone's Pov

I know he is going to propose but I want to tell him that I love him. I want to confess.
I already prepared the bouquet he asked me to. I didn't sleep well because of making it.

"Hello, is my bouquet ready?"-he asked me and didnt even took a glimpse of me
"Yes mr. Jeon your bouquet is ready"-I respond bitterly. I think he notice my bitterness so

(I dressed all black today and I still made sure to look good)

"Y-you look handsome"-he said and I smiled in return.

"Here's the bouquet sir"-I handed the bouquet.

"Thanks. I really wish he likes this bouquet and I hope he will accept my proposal"-he said and I just smiled even though its hurting me.

"Sir, I have to tell you something.."-I said
"What is it?"-he asked
"Sir Jungkook, I like you.. no no scratch that. I mean I think im inlove with you"-i said and looked down

"T-aeehyung-ssi"(h-he called me by real name??!!
"How do you know my real name sir?"-I asked him shockingly

Jungkook's Pov

Am I dreaming? Did he really just said he loves me??
"How do you know my real name sir?"-he asked
"I know, because...
It's me jungkook-ah, taehyung-aa its me your love, your boyfriend"I said while holding his face
"Wh-what do you mean?"-he asked because he was confused

I hold his hand and said

"When we were junior, we are about to head to our homes but a thugs were blocking us and about to do something to you so I fight with them but apparently I lose and I was about to get hit but then you blocked it your head got hit. And when we are in senior you had your surgery u didnt wake up until 5 years but.. as soon as you wake up you cant remember everything. And the doctor said not to pressure you to remember because you might  have a severe headache so your parents sent you here and this shop,its your grandma's shop.

"My brain may not remembered or how I love you, but my heart remembers you and how it loves you"-he said and grab my neck and kissed me

"Taehyungaa will you marry me?"I asked while kneeling

"Yes, jungkook-sshi"- and i placed the ring on his finger and we kissed.

(January 26)

"I know pronounce you, husband and.."

"Husband."-said jungkook
And everybody laugh.

Jungkook and tae kissed.

"Congratulations to the newlyweds couple"

Tae still can't remember jungkook and everything but his love for jungkook still remained.

This proves that true love will always find a way to come back.

Fate may separate them but their Love will bring them together.
This is Tae and Kook bROMANCE.

The end.

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