Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (Kiss?!) pt 1


*Tugs tugs* (music)

"What can I get you?"-casher

"Can I have two juice pls"-iu

"One sec"-casher

(iu turn because jk squeezed her hand)

"Just go"-jk

"What do you mean?"-iu

"Go see him"-jk


"You guys dated for almost a year already, I know you are worried about him" -jk

"I know you won't have fun because you are worried about him"-jk


*iu grab jk's and said*

"Thank you, you are so sweet"

(Then iu left)

"Your drinks are ready"

"That would be **** won"-casher

"Uh-oh, I think I'm going to be broke"-jk(while looking at his wallet)

*Tugs tugs tugs*(music)

"Oh is that...taehyung?"-jk

*whispering to himself* kekeke im going to make taehyung cry like a baby"

(Slowly approaching tae who is walking)


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaa"(that's jk's scream)

"HAHAHAHHA you should have seen your face kookie-yah"-tae

"That's what you get for trying to scare me and for choooooosssesiyngg her"-(said tae but the last words are not clear)

"What, But...."

"How did you know??"-jk asked while kicking tae's butt

*taehyug giggled*

Chapter 9 (Kiss?!) pt2

"Jungkook-ssi, why do you like her?"-tae asked

"Because..."-jk (while looking at the sky)

"She has a nice voice, she's beautiful"
"I-i don't know, I just do."-jk

"I thought this was going to be a perfect night with a perfect girl and end the night with a kiss"
"That would be very perfect"-jk

"Kiss?!"-tae asked shockingly

"You think about those disgusting things?"-tae asked

"What?! You never thought about kissing? Especially with a girl?"-jk asked tae

"I dont have time about daydreaming those nonsensical things"
"Plus I couldn't even maintain my grades"-tae said

"And plus you even got a D, and why don't you work on the creative written works? I thought you want to get an A average?"-tae said

"Why do you have to bring up my grades?!"-jk said angrily


"Hey jungkookie"- (but jungkook keep ignoring him and drank the juice)

"Yaaah jungkookie"-tae


"What?!"-jk shouted but tae grab him and)

(Tae grab him and kiss him)

(They kiss perfectly with the fireworks)

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