Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (2 boys in one bike)


Wait wait (tae screaming for kookie who is riding his bike so fast)

(Kookie stops and sigh)

Taetae you need to know how to use a bike-kookie

Iknow iknow kookie but, daddy said he will teach me when he comes back from a business trip-(taetae)

But that is more like a month tae-(kookie)

"How about ill teach you??"(Kookie suggested)

"Don't let me go okay??"-taetae

"Don't worry just use the pedal and look straight"-kookie

(Kookie let go because he needed to sneeze)

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh"-taetae screamed in pain

"Taeeehyungggggg-aahh-kookie shouted in shock


Tae got hospitalised because of the minor injuries he got. He injured his two arms

"That's it kookie yash that feels good"

"Lowerr, harderr kookieee"

(Kookie was scratching tae's back cause its itchy and its hard for him to use his hands)

"Feel better tae tae?"-kookie


"Umm kookie do I still need to learn how to use a bike?"-tae

"If you still dont learn you will just walk"-kookie

"Why dont you let me ride the bike with you?"-tae

"It's hurt a lot I dont wanna fall again plss kookie yaah"-tae

"Umm okay, from now on I'll ride you to school"


"I promise"-kookie

And from then on Jungkook kept his promise

"Tae hold on to me so you won't fall"-jungkook


And like that he hold onto me as we entered in our teenage years...

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