Chapter Three (Kookie got a big cookie)

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Chapter 3

The evening has come so....

"Kookiee-yaaah got-cha"(little tae stuttering because he saw little kookie's cookie)

"What?"(tae asked kookie about his cookie)

"Yours is always getting bigger each day?"(tae asked innocently)

*kookie nodded*

"Thats weird"(said tae while scratching his head)

"Why?"(kookie asked)

"Mine is like this size"(measuring it using his thump)

"Maybe there's something wrong with you kookie"(tae)

"Whats wrong with me?"(kookie asked innocently)

"I dont know? Mine is not big as yours"(tae responded innocently🤣)

"I think you are not a human kookie"(tae said)

"Why?"(Kookie asked with teary eyed)

"Becauseeeee you got a big cookie and that is not normal for a human so I suggest that you a monster"(said little tae)

"What do you mean I'm not normal??"(asked terrified kookie)

"Haven't you watch any movies in the tv? Like monsters that has a big cookie?"(tae)

"They turned into a scary one every full moon"(tae said)

*kookie was slowly covered in fear*

"I think its full moon today"(said tae)

*kookie trembling in fear with teary eyed*

"I don't want to be aaaaaa MONSTER!!!!"(shouting kookie)

"Hey hey don't cry little monster"(said tae patting kookies head)

"Will you still be my friend if I turned into a monster?"(kookie asked while tears are falling)

"Probably not,
Never gonna be your friend"(tae responded)

"But if u turned back again as human you'll be my friend again"(said tae and that madr kookie cried more)

"Dont cry I think I found a way already"(tae)

*kookie stops crying*

"Ummm, kookie do you have a scissor?"(tae asked innocently)

"Does it hurt?"(kookie asked)

"No its just like a bite of a ant"(tae)

*kookie handed taetae the scissor*

"Okay pull down your pants kookie"(tae)

"Taetae am scared"(kookie)

"Don't worry it wont hurt you your ma friend"(tae)

"Ready count"(tae)

"Three, two ,on-"

"Kids, dinner is ready"(kookie's mom)

"Hi mom, hi auntie"-kookie and tae

(The mom saw it all and she was shookt)

After that we are forbidden to hold any kind of scissors and mom told us not to cut any in out body parts

It all went so fast,
Until the day he decided to cut something within me..

That's another story to read next chapter
-grown up jungkook

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