Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 (A date?) pt 1


"Taehyungieee, whats the date today?"-tae's mom


"A date?!!!!!!!"-tae

"Taehyunggg are you alright?"
"Why do you look like a tomato? Your face is so red. Do you have a fever?"-Tae's mom

"U-mm sorry mom, I think I need to go to sleep"-tae

*Tae keeps moving on his bed*
(Turn right,turn left)

*Sighs while scratching his head*

"Wanna go on a date?"(suddenly an image of jk smilling appeared in his mind)

"Wanna go on a date?
Why didnt he ask me
'wanna go to movie?'
Or 'wanna catch a movie?'


(Keep on moving on the bed)

"Why did he ask me to go on a date?"

"Wanna go on a DATE?"

Those words are like a puzzle or worse a math problem with no formula.


(Pulled the blanket)

(At school)

(Tae was staring at the window then jk give him a piece of paper)

"It's a date dont be late"(tae read it on his mind)

(Director's Club)

"That's a lot of food"

"Well he eats alot"-tae

"Here you go a large burger and a large fries with a large mcfloat"-casher

(The movie is about to start but jk hasnt show up yet)

"As usual, he is always late"-tae

"Hey, tae!"

"You are always late!"(said tae angrily but when he look at the person...)

"Who are you?"-tae was shocked because it wasn't jungkook but a girl😱

"Sorry I'm late"-the girl


*flashback on why did jk ask tae on a date*

"Jungkook can we talk about something?"-iu

"What is it?"-jk asked shyly

"Umm you know, bomi right?
She's my friend and she really likes tae"-iu

"Umm err, then?"-jk asked with his forehead scorching

"Can you help set them on a date please jungkook"-(iu asked jk with puppy eyes)

(There's a part of jk that is against but he can't just turn down his first crush)

(The present/the date)

"You are always late"-tae

"I'm sorry I'm late"-the girl


"I'm bomi we are classmates, I'm glad you accepted to go on a date with me"-bomi

"I was worried that you will say no"-bomi

"Now, I finally understand jimin"-tae

(Tae was about to go but bomi stopped him)

"Where are you going?"-bomi asked

"Let me go get you a drink"-tae

"I'll be back"-tae

So it's a blind date.

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