Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 (Frightened Night) pt2


"Taeeehyungggg-aaaaaa"-jk screamed

(The thugs ran)

"Taehyung can you hear me?"-jk

"Please taehyung say something..."-jk(his tears began to fall)

(Taehyung was bleeding so much)

"Blood! There's a lot of blood!!"-jk

"Taehyungieee, please"-jk

"J-jungkook-ssi"-(said taehyung and lost consciousness)

(Jk carried tae in bridal way)

"Taeehyunggg, please taehyung I know you are strong"(said jk while his tears are non stop falling)

*jk didnt care about the cold he runs so fast as he could and he reach the area where there are vehicles or people*

"Pleaseee, help me pls help us we need to go to a hospital plsss"-said jk

(Then an ambulance came)

*And jk also collapse because of the exhaustion*


(Jk was lying in a bed in hospital)

*jk slowly opening his eyes*



(It was his mom)


"Finally, you are awake my son."

"T-taehyung... where is he?"

"He..he"(his mom respond with teary eyed)

*jk grab his mom's arm*

"Where is he?!!"-jk

"What happend to him??
Is he okay now??-jk asked worriedly

(But his mom didnt answer instead she cried)

"What happend pls tell me, mom"-jk began to cry

"H-he l-lost...

(It has been 2 weeks already since that cruel night happened,jk has also checked out the hospital but...)

"Its been 2 weeks had passed but, tae where are you?" (Jk whispered to himself with teary eyes)

"I miss you so much, I want to see you"-jk

*Before 2 weeks*(Flashback)

"What happend pls tell me, mom"-jk began to cry

"H-he l-lost so much blood and his head needed to be checked"-jk's mom

"W-where is he mom?"-jk

"His parent brought him to the famous hospital in the states"-jk's mom

(End of flashback)

"1 week more and we will be a senior students yeheyy!!"-said jimin to lighten up the mood because the squad miss tae so much

"What's the use of it if taehyung is not here with us"-namjoon

"Yeah right"-jhope

(Jk left when he heard tae's name because he doesn't want them to see him crying)


(Jk turned his back and saw..)


"Are you okay??"-iu asked jungkook

"I know its hard but please stay strong jungkookie"-iu

(Jk can't stop his tears,iu hugged him)

"I know words are not enough to comfort you..I hope that this hugged gave you the comfort you need"-iu

"Thank you"-jk

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