Chapter 26 (We almost did it!)R-18

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Warning ⚠️

Taehyung's Pov

"I think I'm inlove with you"
We were face to face now, noses only a haird width apart.My heart is now beating so fast.

"I-i love you t-o" jk didnt finish my words he grab my neck pulling me closer,and gave a soft gentle kiss. I close my eyes the moment our lips met.His tongue is asking me permission to enter so I let his tongue entered. Jk pulled his shirt and continued to kiss me.

Third person's pov

Tae hands traveled to jk's chest. Tae and jk keep changing position, tae was on the top of jk now and his lips down to jk's neck to the chest kisses it and travel back to jk's lips and they change position again and now jk is on the top. Jk hands traveled to tae's thighs caressing it.His hands reached for tae's pants...

"O-oh my"

(The nurse caught them doing that things)

Both of them stopped and looked away with a red cheeks.Tae give jk's shirt back without looking at him because he can't control his shyness.

"Umm, excuse me mr. Kim?"-nurse
I'm sorry for disturbing but this is very an important matter needed to be discussed I suggest that you may need to call your guardian's"-nurse
(Tae and jungkook looked surprise and blushed. Their face is very red now)

"Don't worry its not the thing you did, its way more far from that"-the nurse teased them

"I'll excuse myself now, but you can't continue that here in clinic. Please continue it somewhere else"-said the nurse and teased them

*jk cleared his throat*

"U-umm"-said jk while brushing his hair. Tae look at him and blushed. Jk saw tae blushed and smiled so bright.

"I think we woke them up..."-said tae while looking down to jk's pants and to his pants

"W-we almost did it in the infirmary"-said jk to tae and blushed

(Tae turned around and look if there's a cctv luckily there's none)

Tae was about to kiss jungkook but...

"Hey, hey you can't do that here!"

"Namjoon-aa we are not"-jk

"We saw that you guys were about to kiss"-jhope
"I think they already did it"-said yoongi
And jimin saw it too and pointed..
"Look at jk's neck and tae's neck"-jimin
(And that made jk and tae blushed)
"Yaaaa- jimin-sssi"-tae

(They all laugh)
"What the f*k, you almost did it here?"-namjoon who is laughing so hard

"Hey don't laugh namjoon! We did that on the storage yesterday"-said jin and that made namjoon flustered

"You guys are weaksh*ts, we did it in librarywhwbdkfnjgpd"-jimin covered suga's mouth

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