Chapter 25(The truth has been told)

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Third person's Pov

(Jungkook heard baek's words to taehyung)

(Jk was shocked about what he heard
*he immediately approached baek and asked*

"What do you mean by surgery?" Jk asked

"And now you cared?"-baek said rudely
(Jk grabs baek's shirt and about to punch him but..)

"J-jungkookie, please noo noo don't let me go"-jk stopped because he heard tae mentioned his name

*taehyung was having a nightmare again*
(Tae cried and jk can't stop his self anymore so he touched tae''s face. Baek and iu saw it and looked away)

"I'm sorry, im sorry tae"said jk while crying
"I'm sorry, its my fault that you got hurt
If only that was me, I wish I was the one who got hit"-jk cried so much while caressing tae's face

(iu can't stand seeing them so she left the three of them)

"Jungkook,I'll give you one last chance..
If you make tae cry again I'll promise I stole him away from you"-said baek calmly

*jk clenched his fist and answered *
"Don't worry i will never let him go again"

(After hearing it baekhyun left tae and jk)

"Please, get well soon tae"
"You said you want to stay with me forever right?"

"I miss your voice, i miss your touch"-said jk and cracked his voice because he can't stop his tears

"I miss everything about you"

"I want to grow old with taehyung-aa"

(Jungkook felt tired because of crying so he fell asleep beside to tae)

*Tae woke up and was shocked to see jk sleeping beside him*

(tae touched jungkook's hair and slowly caressing his hair)

*jungkook felt like someone is touching his hair so he woke up and saw it was tae so he grab tae's hand and kissed it*

(Jk realise that why he acted so angry when someone touched tae or even someone talk to him it was because...)
"I think I'm inlove with you" said jk to taehyung.

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