Chapter 20(Rumors)

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Chapter 20 (Rumors)

Rumors can ruin relationships,friendships
and also reputations.


"iu, be honest with me..."-lisa
"Are you dating jungkook?"

"Why do you want to know?"-iu respond with furrowed brows

"Cos... I want to ask him out"-lisa

"Lol! You wish! A girl like you is not good enough for jk"-said nayeon and rolled her eyes

"Like you can?!!"-lisa responded angrily, both of them glaring at each other

"I'm capable for jk!"-nayeon

"Chill girls!!"-jennie

"Wait, wait, wait why are you fighting over MY MAN?!"-iu said angrily

"Your MAN?!"- said the girls in chorus because they are all shocked

"Don't ever bothered him, he will not take interest to all of you because he is already interested in me!"-iu

"NOO WAAY!!"-lisa

"This isn't real!!"-nayeon

"I'm just dreaming right?"-yoona

"Then don't wake up, duhh"-iu


(Mursmurs everywhere)

"You know jk and iu is dating"-girl1

"Yes I heard it too, I really think its true because seo jun is dating irene I really think they are really over"-girl2

(The squad came together to the school except jungkook)

"What's going?"-jimin asked

"I think something happend"-jin

"I think its about jk and iu, I saw their pics together somewhere"-jhope

(Taehyung heard it but act like it was nothing but deep inside he was hurt)

*Looked at taehyung and squeezed his shoulder that is a gesture for asking if he is okay*

(Taehyug smiled at jimin as a respond)

*Jk and iu were late and the everyone suspected that they were together because they both came together*

"Congrats"-(said tae to jk and shake his hand and left)

(Tae was crying again in front of infirmary)
Author's note: That's tae's favorite area to let his emotions out.

"Why do I always see you cry?"

(Tae was shocked because baekhyun suddenly touched his face and wipe his tears away)

"Next time,I'll see you cry again because of him I'll promise I'm going to stole you away from him"-baekhyun

(Taehyung cried again because he suddenly remembered jk)

*Taehyung was shocked when baekhyun hugged him*

"Just tell me if you need someone to take away your pain"

"Huh"-tae who is confused of baek's action

"I can be that someone"

(But in one snap baekhyun was already in the ground...)


Jk's Pov

"Have you seen tae?"-I asked jennie

"I think I saw him going to the infirmary"-jennie


"Hmm,maybe hes at that bench again.. I should try going there"-jk whispered to himself


Third person's Pov

(Jungkook saw tae sitting on the bench he was about to approach tae but he saw someone and that someone hugged tae.)

"F*ck"-jk cursed to himself because he doesnt know why he acted that way which is jealousy.

He can't control his emotions towards tae and he can't control his actions when someone tries to touch tae.

(In just one snap that someone who hugged tae was lying on the ground which is baekhyun)

*jungkook punched baekhyun*

(Baekhyun smiled and said)

"I really don't understand why you liked this kind of man,taehyung-ssi"-baek

(Author's note: Taehyung-ssi/Taehyung-sshi)

*Jungkook was about to punch baekhyun but tae grab him*

"Please baekhyun,leave now"-tae said to baek and mouthed *Im sorry*

(Baekhyun left them)

"What's wrong with you Jeon jungkook?!!"-tae
"Why did you punch him?!!"

"I'm sorry"-jk said out of nowhere

"Don't say sorry to me, you should apologise to the person you hit"-tae

"Tae, please why are you being like this?"-jk

"Being what, jungkook?"-tae

"I don't know you anymore,taehyung-aa"-jk

"You don't know me anymore? Haha"-tae laugh sarcastically

"You don't know me anymore because you've found someone new."

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