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   I sit in silence as I watch my nightingale sing her heart out in front of everyone. The crowd is not big like that you would find in an Arena. This is like these little gigs you see every now and then. But here in Crunchin Munch the gig takes place every evening until the night and my beautiful girl stands on stage pouring all those cheesy songs she wrote about us along with her favorite songs (mostly songs of Ed sheeren. She finds him very romantic I suppose). Beside of her Ivan sits by the grand piano as his fingers dance to her voice on the keys. People call them a perfect match and I for once agree. The music they produce can bring anyone that passes by to come in and have a snack. Ever since Dalton made Asterin a singer in his shop, he says that his business has increased. He even praises me for my small contribution to uplift his business. Surrounded by all the people in the shop are my paintings on the wall. People have praised my work and hoped for me to be great painter but I'm happy with my job. I now own the mechanic shop I worked at. Doris gave it to me last year as a present for my birthday and hard work. I've expanded the shop and the business is running well. I also have a art tutorial channel on YouTube which also pays me well. I tell you-

   "Aay! Aay!" her voice snaps me out  of my thoughts.

   I stand up and pull her in for a kiss.

   "You were amazing," I tell her.

   She blushes and pulls away.

   "Let's go home. We have our graduation day tomorrow," she says and drags me. I nod and walk along with her.

   "I can't believe that we are finally gonna get graduated. Oh remember that time when McKenzie used to tease Melvin about how free and happy he feels after graduating.He bought his own house, moved out. Hehe Melvin longed for this day. That boy is just so desperate to move in with Ivan Gosh but I adore them," She goes on rambling out college as we walk home.

   When we reach the house, she rings the doorbell but no one opens the door.

   "That's strange. Why are they not opening the door, " She mutters as she keeps ringing the doorbell.

   "Hey they might have fallen asleep, " I say and turn her around. I grab her cheeks and look at my watch. 00:00. I kiss her lips and scream, "Happy birthday My angel!!" as the door opens up. She turns around and gasps upon seeing Aunt Dolly and Nan Hillary.

   "What? How? Oh my gosh."

   They pull her into an hug and her family starts singing happy birthday. I take the cake from her mother and she turns around and looks at me with a big smile.

   After cutting the cake and evryone wishes her, we sit on the couch.

   "how did you come here?" she asks.

   "It was-" Her mum stops to double check on me, "Aay's idea to bring them here. Aay said they didn't want you to graduate without your two most favorite people being there. Aay was the one that arranged for them to come here."

   "Everyone helped me," I say honestly.

   She clings onto me and kisses me cheeks making my chest flutter just like the first time.

   "Thank you."


   Hand in hand both of us walk into the restaurant wearing our graduation clothes (Asterin wore a beautiful maxi dress and I wore a suit. Not to forget the cap that my mum made for us) behind us our family followed behind. We all sit down around the table which my dad (Will) booked in advance. We all place our orders and everyone starts having a conversation.

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