05 "bjyxszd" Cafe

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A/n 1: "bjyxszd" stands for "Bo Jun Yi Xiao Shi Zhen De", that means in Chinese " BJYX is REAL"

BO JUN YI XIAO ( BJYX ) is the fandom of YiZhan CP, formed from Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo.

This Chinese idiom usually applies to couple where one of them does something just to get the other's smile, it has a sweet meaning of 'all I do is to make you smile' and the actual word 博君一笑 has the same pronounciation as 博君一肖
Bo Jun Yi Xiao writen as 博君一肖. 博 (Bo) is Yi Bo 肖 (Xiao) is Xiao Zhan, and the special thing is this couple's name sounds like "Yi Bo and Xiao Zhan is smiling"

This "bjyxszd" shop exists for real in China, it was spotted in Henan, Wang Yibo's hometown.
Just that it's not a Cafe, but a nails saloon, ha ha!

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After taking a quick glance around, his shoulders slumped down and his mouth released a deep huff of disappointment... no red Lamborghini was seen nearby.
Of course that he is gone, of course that he, now, concluded that Wang Yibo is the biggest jerk from the whole earth!
The VIP Xiao Zhan, the beautiful, rich and hunted down by paparazzi heir, now thinks that he got stood up again by the nobody called Wang Yibo!
And not once, but twice!

It was no use to check out the Cafe's inside, he should just accept that this is the end...the end of his hopes, the end of his dreams...

But, what a...?!!!
Yibo was just about to call for a cab, when he almost dropped the phone from his hand, at an abrupt braking screech, that got his full attention.
A gray, small car, with only two seats, stopped in front of him.
He gasped in shock at the driver's identity.
The driver, who was wearing an ordinary white hoodie, and who climbed down from his toy-like car, then hastily gave him a short hug.
The driver, who was no other but his so-called "date": the rich and famous heir, Xiao Zhan!

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