14 I'm sorry...

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After feeding Elsa and taking a shower, Yibo skipped the usual dinner sandwich and headed straight to the bedroom.
He dropped his tired himself on the bed, cuddled at his chest the warm, purring cat, and started to run behind his closed eyes, the film of that day.

~ Yibo's POV~

Today I tried again to sway lao lao on telling me the whole truth!
There have already been two weeks since she launched that deadly bomb, and she is still rejecting all my attempts in convincing her to explain herself. 

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Each time I'm pressing her with my questions, I get the same kind of answer:
"Bo Bo, be honest, did you like it to witness...Xiao Zh...erm...your br...erm...hating on his mother?
Listen to your old granny, his hatred is not easy to bear, he is actually hurting inside, the poor boy.
And I don't want for my beloved grandson to experience that same kind of pain, I don't want to see you hating your parents, or hating me.
It would make no good to you to know all the ugly details, trust me.
Besides, it would make no difference anyway, you two would still be blood relatives."

"But, you told him, why Zhan has the right to know, but not me?!
I want to know the truth, I deserve to know the truth!
Please lao lao, I promise I will not hate anyone, I promise...",I begged, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Grandma took my face in her warm hands and wiped my wet cheeks, smiling at me:
"I wouldn't have told him either, but I had no choice.
He kept calling me, I don't even know how he got my phone number, and insisted that he doesn't believe me.
He kept saying that his heart that loves you, knows better than me the truth.
I was scared that he will convince you too, and the both of you will fall in the dangerous trap of forbidden incestuos love."

"He told you, he loves me?", I shouted, with my heart thumping like crazy, forgetting for a second that my momentary happiness is forbidden, as forbidden as the impossible love that I still feel for him...for my...probably brother.
He can't be my father, can't be my son, so we can only be brothers...
But how could that be?!
And why?!

Today was the last day of filming the CF, and probably the last time to ever see him.
I don't know how I will keep living starting with tomorrow morning.
It was not easy before either, but at least I got to see him for a few hours every day.

Yes, it was hard to wake up each morning, knowing that I will acknowledge him, once again, turning down all my attempts, each time I would try to speak with him. But at least I was able to see him.
It pained me that it couldn't be me to comfort him, whenever his best friend was hugging him or wiping a rebel tear away from his beautiful face. But at least I saw him.

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