13 Shocking!

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~this chapter will be entirely written from Yibo's POV~

I was just about to question my grandmother about her weird outburst, when we have both gotten startled with the angry voice, thundering a few steps away from us.

"What the hell?
But...wait...isn't he?", lao lao mumbled, pointing her walking stick towards the man yelling at his phone.

"Yes, he is!
I told you that we will work together, and before you ask, no, we didn't get back together.
Actually he didn't even want to give me the chance to apologize or explain myself.", I spoke in a cracked voice, trying to hide away from her, my eyes blurred by tears.

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She cupped my cheek in her warm hand:
"Bo-Bo, please, listen to your old lao lao, you know that I love you and want what is the best for you!
Forget about this love, believe me that it's toxic for you!
Also, you should give up at this job and resign, right away, from this moment!
I will give you double the money you would earn from this contract, please Bo-Bo, and..."

Lao lao was interrupted by Zhan, who bowed before her, remembering her from that doomed day.

"I apologize for bothering you with my rude behavior, screaming like that, but I assumed that there was no one here in the lobby, except me, I'm sorry.", Zhan mumbled, after greeting her politely, keep bowing to my grandmother and totally ignoring my existence of course.

"Don't worry young man, not as you were yelling at me or at my grandson.
Anyway that person who provoked you to scream like that, probably gives you some hard time, as you don't seem to me to be the angry kind of personality, I hope you can solve the issue, ha, ha."

I know my lao lao, she would never act so nicely towards someone she would hate...so why was she so against my love for Zhan Zhan, if she wasn't hating him?

"Yes, that person keeps provoking me indeed and gives me a very hard time, and...sometimes I reach my limits and start screaming at her...yet she doesn't give up!", Xiao Zhan replied, while rejecting another phone call.

"She?", my grandma whispered, mostly to herself, while glancing curiously in my direction.

But Zhan caught her whisper and replied:
"Yes, she, the woman calling herself as my mother.
I know you will not approve for what I'm going to say, but... I don't want her in my life, I hate her with passion!"

I got shocked when lao lao didn't scold Xiao Zhan for stating such an outrageous thing like hating his mother, but instead she whispered almost inaudibly:"No wonder...", but she changed quickly the topic, before me or Zhan to ask any questions:
"Anyways, we shouldn't waste anymore time, we really need to go now.
Bo-Bo, probably that the contract you signed doesn't allow you to resign right away, as we were planning, because of some lawful reasons, but you will take care about this issue starting with tomorrow. I assume your working day is not over yet, but go find your boss and tell him that I want to talk to him.
I'm willing to pay a fee if it's necessary, for your absence for the rest of the today working hours, but now we are urgently needed at the hospital!
The policeman and the lawyer are waiting for us, too!"

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