10 Such a beautiful day

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Yibo was enjoying to the maximum, the sharp whips of the hot water shower biting onto his skin. 

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Wouldn't it be just great for the hot water to wash away the whole dirt from his life?
All the dirty lies he told to the people he loves the most?
To wash away the pain he is about to cause to his sister by telling her about her adulterous husband?
Wouldn't be great for Xiao Zhan to love him forever, same like he loves him now?

Miracles can happen, but not the last one!
Not after Zhan will find out who Wang Yibo is, actually!
What is doing Yue's husband to her it's nothing comparing to what is doing Yibo to the man who innocently calls him as "my boyfriend".

Maybe Yibo should visit a doctor, maybe he is sick, a sick pathological liar.
But the definition says about that kind of liar, that he lies out of habit, and Yibo doesn't do that!

He doesn't remember how exactly it started everything...with a very small lie for sure, and that lie, small like a snowflake, kept rolling, in a few days becoming what it's now: a giant snowball.
Yes, he is painfully aware that spring will come at some point and the snowball will melt...into a pathetic puddle of painful tears.

But... could he do something about it, now?
The answer is no!
Therefore he will enjoy these last precious moments when he is allowed to love Xiao Zhan, and he is loved back.

A discreet knock onto the bathroom door snapped him out from his thoughts:
"Bo Bo, are you alright?
Are you in pain?
You're there for forty minutes already."

"I'm ready now, sorry, I love hot long showers, that's all!", he shouted, after turning off the water.
This was not a lie, by the way, Yibo really loves hot, long showers.

"Oh my goodness, you look as red as a boiled lobster, ha, ha, ha!", Zhan laughed at Yibo's scalded skin from all that overly hot shower.

But Yibo's skin went in no time goose bumped, not from the cold air con, but when Zhan started walking towards him, not taking his hooded eyes away from his bare half body.

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