Chapter 6~ The Awkward tomorrow and confrontation

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“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” ― Jim Morrison

I woke  bright and early next morning at 6:00AM  to the sound of birds singing, and light tapping rain on my window. The experiences of yesterday made me so different. How can i ever overcome that the boy i like and somehow love is a werewolf?. I got changed and prepared for a day of embarrassment. What do i say about my cut?. Will he be here today?. I really wish that i could see him right now and explain to him how much i care and want him to know that his secret is safe with me. I walked towards the truck dad got me from Nova and sat inside. I switched on the ignition and the engine roared to life. I reversed out of the drive and towards school, i parked up and got out. I walked towards school a little late today. I walked through the empty lifeless carpark, i walked through the double glass doors and into the canteen, i walked through it and everyone stared at me, at my cut. I should have covered it with make up but im not that type of girl. I walked out the doors at the other end and released my breath the second i was out of there. I walked towards my locker and opened it and took out my books and put in my coat. When i closed the door, there he was. Quil, Nova, Jason Maska's other son and Jolon. Jolon was smiling at something Quil did then it vanished when he saw me. I froze in my steps and looked at him from the corner of my eye. He froze in his steps and stared at me in obsession, fear and sympathy all at once. Can a guy really have this much feeling? Or is it an act?.  I began to walk away.

"Isadora!" His beautiful voice shouted my name but as much as i wanted to keep going my body stopped like i was attached to him by some physical magical bond, but i kept moving this time i forced my body to move whether it liked it or not. "Isadora please!"

"Jolon, Please leave me alone" I carried on walking away till he grabbed my arm and made me stop in my steps,

"Isadora we need to-"  Words failed him as he stared a the scar on my face,....his face filled with....sadness, sympathy and regret. "I did this?" He stared and his hand was eager to touch me..but his temperature will hurt me even more. "I'm sorry...we need to talk"

"About what your a-"

"Shhhhh" He covered my mouth with his fingers and the blistering burn ran through me "Not here" He raised his hand to move the hair out of my face and i stepped back. "Come"

"No..Jolon i need to be alone and think this through i can't cope with all this it's too much just leave me alone for a little while" And with that i walked away and left him alone. He kicked and punched the lockers and the loud earpiercing sound of the metal and strong flesh made me jump as i walked faster away from him.

After first and second period i walked outside and sat on a bench near the school field, i put in my headphones and played my Celtic music, it's weird i know but i like it, it helps me relax. I pulled out my school books and read through them when i was disturbed. Nova. She signalled for me to remove my headphones and i obeyed she sat next to me and rubbed my back i winced and she remembered.

"Oh..I...I'm sorry"

"It's fine" I smiled and put my books in my bag.

"Jolon is really upset with what happened you know"

"I your the same?"

"Um...yes....i am.....surprise!" She smiled her sweet smile but looked upset

"How did this happen to you?"

"From birth Isadora we are part of a tribe and it's in our blood there are not many of us two packs us and t..t....the sinisters"

"Why do i get the feeling that they scare me?"

"They are not like us...they feed on humans...they are a evil pack with an evil mind they transform and would do anything to kill the leader velvera...she wants to kill Jolon"

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