Chapter 16 ~ Safe? Sound? Suicide?

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“All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.” – Scott Alexander

I walked towards my truck that was parked in Jolon's house driveway, i pulled the keys from the hanger in the door and opened the door. I sat in the car and put the key in the ignition i turned the key and the engine roared to life. Quil walked out of the wood in his wolf form and he put his head through the window like a cute puppy, he's like my little brother. I was too upset and depressed to talk but he made me.

"Don't leave i know why your going....he...well....i..."  Quil thought the sound of sadness in his thoughts made me tear up again

"I must leave now......i don't belong here,........i should not have transformed, i shouldn't have fell in love and i shouldn't have came here to Evergreen, I need to go" I got out the car and hugged him his warm coat warming me up. Has the magic worn away?

"No wolf magic never fades ISadora your like this forever........and forever is a very long time" He thought and my tears fell to the ground. Quil was about a meter and a half off the ground he was a tall wolf, only Jolon is taller. 

"I should go now Quil goodbye, ill be back soon i just need time to myself for a bit, human minutes" I smiled and he seemed unsure but he let me go, he moved out of the way of the car door, with the engine still roaring i reversed out of drive way and onto the main road. I sped up really fast increasing my speed each minute. I felt a rush of magic as i felt something get close. My stomach had a really bad stabbing pain like a thousand knives in one place. I'm hungry i need to hunt. But now was not the time to feed my animal side, the side of me which is now unwelcome in my life. I looked into the forest to my left when i saw a shadow of a wolf. I did not hear the thoughts of the animal. I did not stop it could be a trap set by Vervena. She got what she wanted and now i need to get out of this. The silver bracelet Jolon gave me when i first transformed, why do i need this?. I tried to recall the reasons why he had given me this. Then it occured to me. Sunlight in the book i remember reading sunlight burns werewolves for a fast way out. In this case suicide. This was the only thing i could think of. I drove the car up the hill and into the sunlight still driving, i snapped the bracelet and felt the burn of the sun. Blistering me, i felt human. Like i was in a summer getting a sunburn, i felt home. I felt betrayed. The burn got stronger and i felt myself get weaker, my eyes felt like they were drying out. My mouth felt dry and blistered, like acid was poured all over me, making me dissolve. I saw the weird figure in the woods again and i sped up. A wolf jumped out of the forest and stopped in the road, it let out a loud deafening howl and i pressed the brakes swurving the car past the wolf i let out a loud scream as the car landed in a ditch the car turned over with such immense speed, i could not breath, my powers were stripped from me. My skin bled. My body weak. My eyes blurred. The wolf was not there anymore. I tall figure was in my scenery. Dressed? Jolon?.

"Isadora!" The figure shouted and the car was back on the road and in it's normal state, My face burning again, sunlight. "Isadora!...No!....What have you done?" The voice familiar, Jolon. No i don't want him here, i dont want him to save me, i want to die. He got into the car and drove to the shade, a canopy of dark leaved tree's covered my skin, my energy came back. "No!......No!...No!" He shouted through gritted teeth.

"No leave me i don't want you to save me stop" I said weakly but he bought none of it.

"Why did you do this why?......Isadora talk to me" Hie chest pumping up and down as he breathed heavely wearing nothing but his jeans, his body heat colliding with mine. I lift my hand up and stroked his face. Lying on the floor, he held me up by my waist my head resting on his arm.

"You chose" My energy came back i felt alive and stronger than ever

"What?!......What are you talking about?" His brown eyes so sad yet so strong

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