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Virgil slowly blinked his eyes open only to be met with a sleeping Roman curled up beside him. His heart raced as he reached out and brushed the man's hair back. Roman seemed to almost purr a bit as he leaned into Virgil's touch. Virgil let out a deep breath as he pushed himself up and out of bed. He walked into the bathroom and just sat on the tub as he tried to work through his dreams. Colt... Colt was in his dreams. He was so different. His eyes... Virgil shook his head as he got up and splashed some water on his face, looking up after drying his face to see his eyes flash blue.

"I assure you this is not early." Virgil's eyes went wide as he spun around expecting to see someone in the room with him. He was alone and honestly a little freaked. "I usually wake up around 5:30. This... This is nothing." That sounded like Logan. Virgil's eyes narrowed as he slowly pushed himself out of the bathroom, making sure to close the bedroom door as he slowly made his way down the stairs. "Patton likes to wake up early to get to his bakery."

"Well, as long as you've slept ok." Virgil frowned as he finally started to hear the other side of the convo now that he was closer to them.

"Ah, yes well... I was slightly concerned as to Roman's whereabouts. He wasn't in the room you told me was given to him. Obviously there if there was a problem he would have informed me but..." Virgil stopped in the dining room doorway catching Logan's attention whose eyes shifted instantly upon his arrival. Thomas simply smiled as he poured a cup of coffee. "Virgil."

"Did you sleep alright?" Thomas handed the cup over, which Virgil gratefully accepted as he sat down across from Logan. 

"Yeah, I did. I didn't mind the company if that's what you were getting at." Thomas chuckled as he walked back over to the stove with a smile. "I did have a very... odd dream. Or well, Dreams. One involved Colt." There was a crash sound, making Virgil jump. Thomas stood there back turned to them as he tried to calm himself. He had accidentally broken a glass cup. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"Did you have that nightmare again?" 

"No. No, it was something completely new. Honestly if felt like the ones I would have of..." Virgil suddenly clammed up as his eyes went to Logan, who was watching him with both concern and curiosity. His eyes were still a dark blue and shifted. His hands clenched as if to hold himself back from saying something. Virgil frowned as he shook his head as sighed. "Logan, if you have something to say that say it."

"You're an Alpha." Logan's eyes went wide as he slapped a hand over his mouth. "I mean... I uh... Thomas he... But I didn't think..."

"Thomas?" The dragon witch sighed as he turned around and shook his head. "You told everything. YOU TOLD THEM EVERYTHING?!" Virgil jumped up in shock as his eyes flashed purple. "Why would you say anything at all?"

"Roman was adamant. He's an Alpha. I may be bound to your pack but I still have to answer his questions." Virgil growled as he forced himself back into his chair trying to calm himself down. "Virgil..."

"No... It's fine. It was Roman." Thomas smiled slightly as Virgil let out a shaky breath. "Roman's fine. He's fine... anyone else though..."

"I know, Virgil." Virgil hummed slightly as Thomas set a plate in front of him. Virgil frowned as these images passed through his mind suddenly giving him a bit of a headache. He could hear Remus giggling as Dee sang. He shook his head to try and get rid of it but it only made it worse. A hand went to his shoulder making him jump badly. His head shot up only to be met with Roman's deep red ones and he sighed, relaxing slightly.

"Roman... You're up." Roman smiled as he nodded as sat down beside him. 

"I'd apologize about..." Roman laughed awkwardly as he looked away only to shake his head. "...but um... something's telling me you don't really care."

"Where were you, Roman?" Roman's face flushed as Logan pointed over at him. "You weren't in the designated room."

"No, he was with me." Logan's eyes went wide as Virgil passed a piece of toast to Roman who took it, hungry, but still shot Virgil a concerned look. "I said he could."

"What... when... you never..." Virgil smirked softly as he flicked Roman lightly on the forehead.

"Yes, I did silly. During one of my dreams..." Roman's eyes widened as Virgil beamed. "You were upset about something. I don't know. I just... I thought you might like some company or whatever."

"That wash of... That was you." Logan was clearly very confused as Roman tried to work through everything. "I mean I knew it was you but... I didn't know if I was right or..."

"It's not the first time you've sensed me." Virgil paled as he quickly stuffed his face causing himself to choke.

"I'm sorry what?"

"The dreams..." Logan laughed as rolled his eyes. "The ones you were talking about before. They were about Roman, weren't they? That's why you have all those paintings of him... and why you clammed up and looked at me when you were talking about them." Virgil frowned as he swallowed all the food in his mouth before whining. "You knew about us this whole time. Those dreams of yours are a part of your gift. That's why you moved in on our territory."

"No, your wrong." Logan flinched slightly as Virgil tensed up. "I didn't move there because of your pack. I moved there because I had to. I HAD to. It just... It just felt..."

"Right?" Roman placed a soft hand to Virgil's who deflated slightly with a short nod. "It's ok. I understand. I'm not mad. "

"Janus said Alpha's are extremely territorial." Roman laughed softly as he shrugged a bit.

"Well, yea normally. I won't lie and say I wasn't... affected by it. It's just... I'm not mad. It felt right." Virgil smiled as he and Roman just stared at each other melting in the other's presence without much thought at all until. Virgil winced a hand going to his head as his eyes flashed blue. "Virgil?"

"I-I'm fine... I'm fine." Virgil laughed with tears in his eyes as he forced himself up. "I have to make a call."

"Oh? Who..." Virgil's eyes darkened as Thomas frowned.

"Something's wrong with Remus."

Full Moon~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now