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"I don't like this." Colt whispered, his eyes shifting as he looked around at everyone. "They all hate me. They all have a right to hate me."

"Shh. It's ok." Virgil smiled softly as he tried to calm his packmate down. Colt groaned as he just shook his head.

"No, it's not, Virgil. It's not ok. And worst of all... I can't even use my gift to see what their thinking because I don't have it anymore." Virgil frowned as Colt hugged himself. "I'm not the alpha anymore. I'm just of alpha descent. The moment you accepted me into your pack. I lost my rank as Alpha." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Colt quickly backtracked. "I'm not mad. Trust me... The last thing I want dead or alive anymore is to be an alpha. I don't ever want to be in that position again. I don't... I don't want to be like that ever again. I am perfectly happy with this... other than the fact that I'm a ghost so I can't do shit. It's just... I'm scared, Virgil."

"If you don't start talking..." Roman growled as he clenched his fists, eyes glowing making Colt shift back.

"I am deader than dead. I'm a ghostkabob. If Janus doesn't kill me... Roman sure as fuck will find a way." Virgil rolled his eyes as he steped in front of Colt who just tensed as he whimpered slightly, his image seeming to waver as he curlled into himself. 

"You're scaring him."

"I DON'T CARE!" Roman growled making Virgil snap. 

"TRY ME!" Virgil yelled partially shifting to show Roman off who faltered and cowered under Virgil's aura. Janus whimpered at the sudden tension making Virgil snap back and sigh. He relaxed a bit as he looked back to see Colt standing there frozen his eyes shifted as he silently cried. "You both need to relax."

"Virgil, don't." Colt spoke softly as he just rubbed his arms. "Let them do whatever it is..."

"You're already dead." Virgil grumbled as he shook his head in annoyance. "What exactly are they going to do to you? You're dead. I literally killed you." Colt flinched as Virgil deflated. "Colt, please. You need to relax. Your form isn't stable."

"So." Colt whined as his imaged wavered again. "So what if I vanish. I'm a ghost. It would be a blessing."

"Colt!" Virgil tensed as he watched his packmate walk off a bit and lean against the car lost in his thoughts. The alpha just frowned and turned back to the others who were both glaring at Virgil. Roman more so at the spot behind him and thus at Colt who didn't even seem to care at this point. "Guys, please."

"What the actual fuck, Virgil?" Virgil's eyes set as Janus whisper yelled. "That man is a monster."

"No, he isn't."

"Yes, I am..."

"DAMN IT COLT!" Virgil yelled back making Colt tense and look away. "We've been over this. You can't blame your... You know what. This is ridiculous." Virgil's eyes flashed a bright blue making Janus falter as Virgil growled. "I'm the alpha, correct?"

"Yes." Janus whimpered making Roman frowned as Virgil glared at the two of them.

"That mean's it's my job to protect my pack... Yes?" Janus just nodded that time. Virgil's eyes went to Roman who smiled sadly as he nodded to. "It's my duty to do everything I can for my pack. Do you really think that if I felt him a danger to ANY of you, that I would be ok with this?"


"I dove headfirst into this shit." Virgil cut Roman off who went stock still the moment the intense remorse slammed into him. His eyes went to where he felt Colt was as they narrowed in confusion. "I literally, without a second thought, ran straight into this. I chose this... I wasn't born into it like all of you. I chose this life. THE MOMENT I decided to do whatever I could to rescue you... I chose this." Janus's eyes darkened as he nodded in understanding. Virgil just frowned as he quieted his voice a bit. "I know you're scared. I know why you're scared. I know you're just trying to protect me, Janus. But I assure you... He's not a danger. Not anymore. Roman..." Virgil paused seeing his mate just staring off highly confused and he smiled slightly. "You feel it don't you?" Roman snapped over as Virgil just nodded. "You feel it?"

"I don't... I don't know what I feel." Virgil took a deep breath as he walked over and took both of Roman's hands. It was a split second. Just a second, but Roman's eyes shined blue as they shot wide in complete shock. Colt stood there hugging himself with tears in his eyes as he tried to calm his breathing. Roman could feel his guilt so strongly it there wasn't any room for doubt. "I... I don't..."

"It wasn't him." Virgil cooed softly as he looked back to see Colt frowning. "It wasn't you. You need to remember that. You weren't in control."

"What?" Virgil smiled as Janus frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Colt was being controlled by something. This... This..."

"Darkness." Colt's voice was clearly broken. Roman tensed as he quickly let Virgil's hands go making the vision of Colt and everything he was feeling vanish to a damn near suppressed state. Or at least that's how it felt to him having had his power seemingly amplified.

"Right. A darkness... At least that's how he describes it." Janus's frown only grew more as Virgil groaned. "Look. You don't have to believe him. You don't have to trust him. But I... As the Alpha, have forgiven him. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't him. He's a part of this pack... dead or not... I can't just leave him behind."

"I just want you all safe." Roman whispered as he caressed Virgil's cheek, the other alpha letting out a soft hum. "I don't want you getting hurt, my love."

"What about Remus?" Janus shivered slightly as everything started to get to him. "Remus was the one he hurt the most. You know what happened when you... did whatever it was before. He broke down. I am not going to just let my mate..."

"I don't want to hurt any of you." Colt yelled out making Virgil hold his hand up to cut Janus off, who's eyes went wide. "I never wanted to hurt you. I couldn't stop. Everything was hazed and... Fuck." Colt gripped his hair as he whined. "Janus is right. I'm a monster. Roman should kill me. Roman... AH!" Colt yelled out as he fell to his knees clutching his chest tightly as he shivered. "Hurts... It hurts... hurts... Ah! V-Virg..."

"COLT?!" Virgil rushed over unsure what he was supposed to do considering he was a fucking ghost! "Colt... Colt whats..."

"It hurts." Colt whimpered as he fell over and rolled onto his back. Virgil's eyes went wide seeing how pale the ghost wolf suddenly was. "R-Ro...m-man... Ah Fuck!" Virgil instantly jumped up looking over to see his mate just glaring down at the other. Virgil growled protectively as Roman's eyes narrowed. 

"ROMAN!" Nothing. Roman still just stood there as if in a daze.

"He... Damn it, Virgil!" Colt twitched as his breathing literally stopped short, not that he needed to consider. "He... He's not..." Virgil panicked. He ran over and literally grabbed Roman making him jump in shock and finally look at him. "Shit." Colt groaned as he rolled over and coughed giving Virgil a thumbs up making the alpha crash in relief.

"What the fuck was that?" Virgil growled making Roman's eyes narrow in confusion.

"I don't..."

"You were hurting him." Roman's eyes went wide as he fumbled for his words. Virgil just sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Roman... You literally... You can't just hurt him. He's a member of my pack! I'm not just going to..."

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Roman snapped in making Virgil clam up. "I was just... Lost in thought. I'm sorry. I don't know what I did." Colt laughed painfully as he forced himself to sit up.

"And that would be Roman... duel ability." Colt smiled as he shot a finger gun at the alpha. "Shit... Guess I really have to be careful now. Roman could very well kill me a second time."

"Not if I can help it." Virgil called out as he shook his head. His nerves were already getting to him and he still had to deal with Patton and Logan. "No one tells Remus shit. For now... Colt stays between us." The other two jumped as Virgil stormed off to the car opening it and letting Colt in first who groaned at the action. Virgil glared at them as he frowned. "Let's just go. I'm done with this conversation."

Full Moon~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now