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"Virgil..." Roman stared out of the window at all the scenery passing. They were on the way home after having said their goodbyes to Thomas. Virgil was driving, his focus solely on the road as Roman's thoughts began to spiral. He couldn't help it. His mate was right there and yet... "Virgil, we should really talk."

"About?" Roman frowned as he glanced over, his eyes a deep red making Virgil sigh. "Us?"

"We're mates, Virgil."

"I... Roman, I don't know what that means." Virgil's eyes darkened as his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Besides... Soulmates... it's nothing but crap anyway."

"Virgil?" Roman sighed as he looked away and just deflated. "Why do you say that?"

"Soulmates just don't exist, Roman. I... Don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying I don't want this. I'm just scared ok?" Roman's eyes darkened as Virgil's voice shook. "The last time someone pulled that shit... it wasn't a good thing."

"What?" Virgil flinched slightly as he looked over to see the pure rage in Roman's red eyes. "What do you mean the last time... Virgil you are MY mate. WE are bonded... there isn't anyone else who can claim that."

"Well... You... Roman, I don't understand." Roman nodded slightly hearing the anxiety in his mate as he tried to calm himself down so that he didn't get angry. "What exactly are we?"

"We are ma..." Roman clammed up as he shook his head and frowned. "We are whatever you want us to be Virgil." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman's voice choked a bit. "It's completely up to you. I just want you to be happy. Even... Even if you don't accept this."

"Roman, I never said..."

"I know." Roman smiled sadly as he stared out the window. "I understand. You don't understand what it means and not having information can be upsetting. Plus you're trying to explain how you feel but... I'm not making it very easy for you am I?"

"I just don't understand. What is so special about a damn mate anyway? Why are you all looking so hard for one and why..." Virgil gasped slightly as an image of colt passed through his mind making him have to pull over just to breathe.


"Why is it so important? Why do you have to have one? Why does it have to be me?!" Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil shivered, pressing his head into the wheel as he gripped it so tightly his knuckles turned white. "Why is it always me?"

"Virgil, I'm sorry." Roman's heart broke for his love as he hesitantly reached out but didn't attempt to touch. "I didn't mean to upset you. Really... It's ok. I'll just... I'll... I'll stop if you want me to."

"No!" Virgil whined feeling his chest tighten at the thought, which only scared him more. "No, don't... I just... Roman, I..." Virgil tensed hearing as Roman unbuckled his belt. He heard the door open and his heart just crashed. He wanted to cry out to call him back into the car but before he could even get the words out his own door opened making him jump back a bit. Virgil sat there frozen as Roman just smiled and reached over, undo his buckle before holding his hand out. "What?"

"Come on. You need to breathe. We both do." Virgil's eyes went wide seeing Roman's eyes shift as he took the other's hand and let himself get pulled out of the car. "It's going to be ok, Virgil."  Roman gently led the other back away from the car and into the woods before letting go and just slipping behind a tree. 

"Roman!" Virgil froze seeing the man vanish from sight before spinning around and finding himself staring at a large dark midnight ruby wolf. "Roman?" Roman bowed his head slightly as he walked up and rubbed lightly against the other who just giggled and ran his hands through the dark red fur. "You want me to shift too?" Roman nodded as he nudged Virgil lightly making him laugh. "You could have told me BEFORE you shifted though." Roman's eyes shined as he yipped slightly in response. "You dramatic oaf." Virgil sighed as he stuffed his hands into his pocket and glanced around nervously. "A-are you sure we shou-..." Virgil smiled softly as he felt Roman nudge him again. "Ok. Ok. I got it." Virgil took a deep breath letting himself fall into the energy in him. His wolf reacted and it all pulsed in him. There was a sudden rush and he opened his eyes to find himself just sitting there staring at the wolf before him. Roman's eyes were wide as his head was tilted slightly with a look of awe in his blood-red eyes.

Virgil frowned slightly letting off a worried whimper making Roman snap back to reality and bark. It wasn't that long after the two were just running around the woods. They were almost playing a sort of game. Roman would pounce at Virgil who would duck behind a tree before running back and toppling Roman over making the other nip at him playfully as they rolled. Eventually, Virgil just toppled over in exhaustion, shifting back into a human, as he laughed and rolled over. Roman shifted back as well as the two just laid there. Roman couldn't take his eyes off his mate even if he wanted to. He was absolutely in love. It broke his heart to think their bond made Virgil so upset. Even still... He was very happy. His mate was just... perfect.

"Thank you, Roman." Virgil mumbled through a yawn as the other laughed and gently pushed himself up. "That helped."

"I'm glad. We do need to talk about this but..." Roman frowned as he sighed slightly and just helped Virgil to his feet. "It doesn't have to be right now."

"Thank you." Roman just shook his head as he started to lead the exhausted man back to the car. 

"It's quite alright, my... It's ok, Virgil." Virgil's eyes narrowed as glanced over to see Roman's sad smile. "As long as you are ok, that's all that matters. Why don't I drive us back... you're exhausted." Virgil chuckled as he nodded and handed over the keys before getting in and just crashing against the seat. Roman got in himself and smiled seeing how Virgil was already well on the way to falling asleep. "Here..." Roman gently reached over and pulled the seat belt around making Virgil fuss about before smiling and muttering out a slurred thank you. "You rest up, Virge. I'll make sure we get home safe."

Full Moon~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now