Chapter Fourteen

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Karkat was nervous. He was supposed to be ready in twenty minutes but couldn't imagine the thought of moving. Of stepping out those doors and meeting everyone's stare. Eyes that would bare into him as he walked down the isle to stand next to Dave. To soon be joined with him from this day and forever more.

It was a year ago that karkat met the crazy guy who knocked him out of the way of a car. Now after five long months of planning he is about to marry the fool. Karkat looked at himself in the mirror, running his hands over his suit again and again to make sure it was perfect. The suit was tailored in a soft black fabric, the under shirt the color of Karkat's blood, his sign presser over his chest on the suit. Every since meeting Dave Karkat has slowly come to love the color red.

"AC stalks her prey, hunched low and ready to strike when the timing is purrfect." Karkat turns around to find Nepeta hiding behind a chair. "Nepeta fucking Lejion don't you dare." She groans and stands up. "Karkitty your no fun."

Nepeta was one of the few people that could tolerate Karkat and she decided to be a flower girl even knowing she is a bit too old for it. Nepeta comes over and gives Karkat a tight hug, smiling as she nuzzles his chest. Every since the incident with Gamzee a couple of years ago Nepeta and her morail have tried to act like karlats new morail. Karkat didn't mind but when he got the need of cancer he shut them out. They tried coming around several times but karkat was never home at those times.

It was about nine months ago that karkat got the news that Equius had died in a house fire. Nepeta was there and she blames herself for what happened. Karkat tried to be there for her but she avoid everyone like he did to them. It was only three months ago that Nepeta came put of hiding with a matesprite in tow. Nepeta starter dating Feferi and became active and happy with the world again.

Nepeta had come and begged Karkat to let them be in the wedding. Karkat didn't mind but he gave a little resistance for old times sake. Karkat also had taken over the responsibility of becoming Nepetas new morail since he believed she really needed one. Karkat was starting to become comfortable with the thought of interacting again, not coughing as much or feeling tight pains in his chest.

"Karkitty mew look so handsome. AC wishes she was the one marrying mew." Karkat smiles slightly and pats Nepetas head. "Nah you would start fucking complaining the first minute we are together. Besides you got someone other fucker that loves you."

"AC still thinks Karkitty is handsome." Karkat smirks and pets her hair. "Thanks Nepeta, for being here and supporting me." She smiles a toothy cat grin. "Mew have been there for AC and been a good meowrail."

She distracts herself with Karkat's red bow and sighs. "AC can't believe karkitty is getting married." She looks up at him a d smiles brightly. "Karkitty is getting married!" She jumps up and down before wrapping her arms around Karkat's neck and squealing happily.

In another room Dave paces back and forth, running a shakey hand through his hair. His suit was just the same as Karkat's but with a broken record over his heart. Dave runs his hands through his hair again as he sits down, feet bouncing. There is a knock at the door before a raven hairs boy comes in. "Hey Dave you almost ready?"

Dave looks up to see a bucktooth grinning John. Dave makes a sighing sound before shaking his head and pulling out his phone. "What you mean your not ready?" I'm just nervous, I want this to be perfect and give Karkat the best thing ever. John sighs and shakes his head as he sits next to Dave.

John and Dave have been friends since they were around the ages of twelve and thirteen. They never thought to meet in real life but was still good to talk to each other when they needed support. Every since Dave finally got to meet John he's been hanging out with him like good friends do. "I'm pretty sure Karkat wouldn't care if something slipped. Hell I'm even sure he's worried that he might slip up and do something you dont like."

Dave groans and puts his hands in his face. "Don't worry about it man. Look you got something old right?" Dave nods. "Ok how bout something new and new?" Dave nods once again. "Ok and you got something borrowed?" Dave nods once more.

"Ok do you have the cats claw?" Dave's head snaps up and looks at John before scrambling to get up and rushing towards the door. It takes all of Johns strength to stop him. "Dude I was kidding! Kidding!"

After a little they are bent over panting. Dave looks up and glares at John before flipping him off. John just laughs and pats his back. "Yah yah love you too man." Dave just smirks and shakes his head.

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