Chapter Thirteen

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For the past several weeks Dave has been sneaking around Karkat. The only time his is normal is in bed, watching a movie, or at work. Other times he tries to avoid Karkat like the pleague. Karkat has sometimes caught him up late at night on the phone texting though he could never get much because Dave was good at detecting and deleted all the messages somehow. At first karkat was confused, not sure what was going on.

Soon confusion turned into doubt and anger. Is he cheating on me? Does he not love me anymore? Did I do something wrong? Am I too much of a burden?

Karkat didn't want to push Dave away but didn't know what to do. He did everything he knows Dave would like. He even put up with the scary movies just so he can try to male amends. Still it did not work. Dave still would avoid him at moments and would be up on the phone texting late at night.

Finally, after two weeks of this nonstop game, Dave had stopped avoiding him. Instead he walked up to him and wrapped his arms around Karkat and smiled. Yo KitKat wanna go out today? "I don't know? Are you done fucking avoiding me you ass hat?"

Dave stiffened but kept his hold around Karkat, not wanting to let go. Wasn't meaning to man just been trying to make plans. "For what?" You will see if you come with me. "Fine you fuckass I'll get ready."

Karkat got downstairs wearing one of his nicest shirts and pants, having been forced back into the bedroom several times by Dave saying he needed something nicer. Dave had said no to this outfit as well but went with it since karkat didn't have anything else to wear. Once outside karkat is greeted with a red mustang GT. Karkat stared at it with wide eyes and slightly opened jaw before Dave tugged him forward and got him in the passanger seat. Karkat could only stare at in amazement knowing this car was so much more then rent and could actually get them a house.

When Dave got in he buckled up along with karkat and started up the engine. Once Karkat was done gawking he looked over at Dave with narrow eyes. Dave didn't seem to notice his boyfriend glaring at him, too focused on the road ahead. Where on Gog's fucking planet did Dave get the money to get this car? Karkat really didn't want to think Dave was cheating on him but it was a possibility.

Dave had taken karkat to a restraint called Musashis or something like that. It was a really nice place to eat. It was a all Japanese costume restraint where they cook the food right in front of you. Karkat tried to enjoy himself but Dave was on his phone again texting. Twice he got up and said he was going to the bathroom but in honesty Karkat checked.

Dave was on his phone in secret. Smiling as he went through the texts and deleted them so Karkat couldn't find out. Karkat's heart was slowly breaking then and their. The suspicions of his matesprite cheating on him grew more and more. When Dave got back from this Third round of using the 'bathroom' karkat had had enough.

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