Chapter 19- Feelings.

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You pick up the phone call and get scared cause of the voice at the other end.

Xiumin: Y/n-shi do you know where Baekhyun is?

You look confussed on why would Xiumin ask you this since he just literally dropped you home.

You: I don't know Misneok-shi, why? Is there any problem?

Xiumin huffs and begans to speak again.

Xiumin: I just got a call from the house maid that baekhyun hasn't been home since this morning.

You: Maybe he's outside.

Xiumin: Well that's the thing, if he is, he would inform us and moreover his mobile is not reachable.

You: Don't worry Misneok-shi, I'm sure he'll be back, do you want me to help you search for him?

Xiumin: It's alright! You must me tired.

You: Aniyo, I'll be out in few minutes.

The call ends and you wear your jacket since it was cold outside.

You were thinking of places Baekhyun would have gone and for now every place you thought of was searched and Baekhyun wasn't found anywhere.

Minseok looked worried. You rub his shoulders consoling him not to worry. He smiles slightly in attempts of you to make him light.

You: Minseok, maybe you should go home I'll search for him along with my friends.

Xiumin: It's alright, he's my brother.

You: Then maybe we can divide and search that way we can cover maximum area in no time.

Xiumin nodded and and you got down out of the car, you called Tao.

You: Hello Tao, can you help me?

Tao: Y/n! What's up?

You: Baekhyun is missing and his brother is really worried, I decided to help him search.

Tao: You what me to come with you then?

You: If it's no problem would you come?

Tao: Sure, just text me the address where you are and I'll be there in no time.

You hum in response and text the address. Tao reaches the said place in 10 minutes.

You: I'm sorry I made you come out at night.

Tao: It's alright, now do gku have any place that Baekhyun might go?

You: We did search all of those place.

Tao: What about a club or something?

For some time you think about clubs and that's when you realise that, there was one place you hadn't checked and that was the club that Baekhyun frequently went to.

You: Yes there is a Club, it's like 20 minutes from here.

Tao: Fine lets go.

Tao takes his bike keys and starts the bike while you hop in the back. All your thoughts were projected towards Baekhyun, you sincerly hopped he could be alright and safe.

You weren't fully concentrated on the road and by this time Tao had reached the club.

You got down and didn't wait for Tao to come, you ran inside hoping he was inside.

You stopped in your tracks when you saw the drunk Baekhyun in the chair drinking more and more. But that didn't make you stop, what made you stop was a girl was roped in his neck by taking a closer look you noticed it was Melanie.

You felt a tight feeling in your chest, like there wasn't any space for you to breathe. It didn't occur to you what you felt but all you wanted to do now was run out of the club without stopping and looking back.

You turned you back to get out of the club that's when...


Someone had called out your name, you stopped by your track but didn't turn back, you didn't wait for that person to come so you ran outside the club.

Baekhyuns POV........

All I knew was I had messed up bad when it came to Y/N and I know that I was the reason that things got complicated among Chanyeol and Y/N, I had been a jerk to her and still am with her.

But I don't know how to stop, I don't know why? But I like her. She is all I think about nowadays and all I hoped was she broke up with chanyeol to that I could scoop her in my arms.

I know I was being a bad friend to chanyeol. But the thing is I didn't want to lose her, cause she has a warmth that I longed for. But I guess I did lose her in this process.

I don't know how to face her, so I did my best to avoid her. All the classes and everything I tired my level best not to bump into her and meet her.

But today I wasnt able to stop myself from seeing her, so I decided to go to club to clear my mind.

But I didn't know Melanie would be there. Though she has a boyfriend she continued to approach me, the old me would have taken her down and slamed her on the door to make out with her roughly.

But I guess I changed, the drunk me couldn't do much except push her aside, but she was strong enough. While I kept pushing her I thought I saw Y/N IN the crowd. I wmast sure. But as I got up to see properly. It was her. I called her out.


End of POV......

As you ran and Baekhyun ran behind you, hoping to catch you up soon.

You pushed back everyone, only to notice that baekhyun wasnt following you anymore.

You ran straight to your room, and locked the door as you slid down crying while your back rested against the door.

You touched your face to feel your tears Why am I crying? Do I like him?

With this question stuck on your mind you ball yourself and cry again weeping silently.

To be continued.........

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