Chapter 1: Moving Day

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Angel's POV:

"Angel?" Someone called. I looked around but didn't see anyone. Then I heard singing. I closed my eyes and listened. The singing was so soothing. I was hypnotized by a voice. "Angel? Come to me baby. The sea awaits and so do I." Someone sang. I opened my eyes and smiled. I looked around and saw a beach in the distance. I ran out towards it. I looked down at the sand.

It felt soft between my toes. I walked along the sand and looked out at the sea. I watched as the waves crashed against the shore. The singing grew louder the more I got closer to the water. I paused and looked up to see a woman out in the sea. She stared at me. For some reason, I felt drawn to her. I mindlessly began to walk out towards the water.

I looked at the woman and saw she was moving her lips. It was then I realized that she was the one singing. I began to swim towards her. She looked familiar yet I never seen her before in my life. As I got closer to her, she stretched her arms out as if she wanted me to hug her. Instinctively, I did the same. I reached my arms out to hug her.

"Angel?" Dad called, waking me up. I opened my eyes and gasped. I looked over my shoulder and saw my Dad peeking his head in the door. "You up?" He asked. I blinked. I am now." I said, yawning. "Well since you're up, get on up." He said, as he entered my room. I sat up and stretched. "What time is it?" I asked, curiously. "Eleven o clock." He said. I yawned again.

^David Starlight

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^David Starlight

"Didn't you say I didn't have to go to school today?" I asked. I looked at him. "Yeah. There's an open house today and I want you and your brother to come with me. Plus it's moving day." He said. I smiled. "Yay." I said. My Dad told me and my little brother that we were moving. He got offered a promotion at work and I was happy for him. But the job was in the next town over, which meant we had to move.

Me and my little brother had to switch schools. My Dad is a realtor, meaning he gets nice paychecks and this new job of his will be paying a larger amount of money. He's really good at his job, which meant that if we moved around, he would automatically know the housing, prices, acres, grounds, all of that kind of stuff. At first, I wanted my Dad to have this promotion, but I didn't know it would involve us moving.

"Angel?" Dad called. I yawned and stood up and stretched. "I got all my stuff packed." I said, as I walked to the bathroom. "Good. Now go get dressed and ready to leave." He said. I sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked, curiously. "Dad I had that dream again." I said. "The one where you see that woman in the sea again?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes sir." I said. He sighed in frustration.

"Angel I done told you about that. That dream is what it is: just a dream. It's not real." He said. "Then why do I keep having them? It's gotta be a reason I'm having the same dream." I said. Ever since I was a kid, I've been having a reoccurring dream. Me standing on a beach, hearing a woman singing, and a woman being out in the ocean. I don't know what that dream means.

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