Chapter 10: Find Them

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Ross's POV:

I ran down the halls, trying to catch up to Angel as she and Jessica ran down the halls. I looked at the guys. "Dude no way we can talk to them about this at school." Kyle said. "Kyle we have to talk to them. Remember what Jade said? She's giving us two weeks to find the girls who ruined the full moon ceremony." Trey said. "Exactly. I'm gonna try to convince Jade to change her mind." I said. "Dude you already tried." Trey said.

"Yeah. I don't think bugging her about this is gonna change her mind." Kyle said. "I'll try to talk to her later on. Right now, we need to find Angel and them. We need to see if they really do have powers or not." I said. I took off running down the hall to find Angel. I ended up losing her and went to my next class unsatisfied. I met up with April who tried to guilt trip me into fucking in the gym before third block.

I told her I wasn't interested. She threw a tantrum but I ignored her. When the last bell rung, I took off towards gym. I walked in and saw Kyle and Trey talking to Angel, Tiffany, and Jessica. I quickly went to the locker room and changed. I came back out and ran up to them. "Hey guys." I said, breathlessly. "Hey Ross." Angel said. "So we all have gym?" Tiffany asked. "I guess so. Hey uh what were you girls doing here earlier?" I asked, curiously.

They looked at each other. "Oh. Girl problems." Jessica said. My face scrunched up as I tried to avoid what I thought they meant. "So you girls can came for gym for....woman troubles?" Trey asked. His face was also scrunched up. "Yeah." Tiffany said. "So...we heard you ladies got into a bit of trouble when we were out at the underwater station." I said. "Oh yeah. But we're all right now." Angel said.

I nodded. "I see that. So what happened to you guys? Do any of you have any recollection of what happened?" Kyle asked. They shook their heads. "Not really. Don told us that they found us washed up on the beach of Mako Island. Thank God he found us. I would hate to have become shark bait." Angel said. I grew jealous of Don, even though he's not here, for taking credit of saving their lives when it was really us.

"So nothing happened to you guys out there? I heard Don lost a submarine pod." Kyle said. "Oh yeah. He said that he can always buy a new one." Jessica said. I looked at Angel. She played with her fingers. Fuck it. "So Angel...I noticed today that you and Jessica seemed fidgety earlier in class. What was that about?" I asked. She looked at Jessica. "Oh were we? Well we are happy to be alive and not shark bait." Jessica said.

My eye twitched. "Hmm." I said. "So you guys up for a game of dodgeball?" Kyle asked. They looked at him. "Dodgeball? What are we, in fifth grade?" Jessica said, laughing. Angel and Tiffany started laughing. Kyle mocked them, making me and Trey laugh. "No I mean, since we did the underwater project, we don't have to do much work. So students who did the underwater project can play dodgeball." Kyle said.

"Oh. I'm not much of a dodgeball fan." Tiffany said. Angel and Jessica laughed at her. "Bitch please. We all played dodgeball at some point in our lives." Jessica said. "Yeah Tiff." Angel said. "Yeah I have played dodgeball but I'm not in the mood to play." Tiffany said. The coaches indeed made us played dodgeball. Angel, Tiffany, and Jessica all sat out.

They said they had all gotten their periods, which I know and hope that's not true. When the final bell rung, we all got changed into our normal clothes and walked out to the parking lot. I caught up with Kyle and Trey outside. "So what now?" I asked. "I don't think they're gonna open up about their powers." Kyle said.

"Obviously. We gotta see for ourselves. Let's follow them." I said. "Where exactly?" Kyle asked. "Let's take our cars home and come back." I said. "They'll be long gone by then." Kyle said. "I'll tell them to meet us somewhere." I said. I turned around and saw Angel getting in her car. I ran over to her. "Angel!! Angel wait!!" I yelled. She looked up at me. "Hey. Listen, me and the guys were thinking." I said.

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