Chapter 13: Out To Sea

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Angel's POV:
One Month Later*

I stared up at the ceiling. Me, Tiffany, and Jessica were chilling at Jessica's house in her room. It's so boring. "I'm so bored." Jessica said. "Yeah me too. Let's do something." Tiffany said. "Like what?" Jessica asked. "We can go swimming." I said. Jessica scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Bitch no. I don't want to go swimming if that means I can only go to the beach and your backyard Angel." Jessica said.

"Well What is there to do?" I asked. She sat up and stared at me. "Are you serious?" She asked. "Jess, for the last time, we are not going out to sea." I said. "Why not?!" She whined. "Because we don't know what's out there and we could get lost. We could get turned around and might never find our way back to the mainland." Tiffany said.

"Not to mention that Cthulhu creature is still out there." I said. Jessica scoffed and said, "Please. You know how long ago it was when we last saw that thing?" "Yeah Angel. That thing is probably long gone by now." Tiffany said. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Guys come on!! Let's go out to sea. We haven't really explored our tails that much. We've been too busy practicing our powers." Jessica said.

She was right. The guys, Ross and them, found out our secret at that pool party last month.They've been helping us with our new powers. It was honestly suspicious how they knew more about them than we did. I wanted to say something but I didn't get a chance to. Ross and them have been MA for weeks. Ross got a hurt leg in gym class, Kyle has been sick and Trey has the stomach flu.

It was really strange that all three of seem to not be feeling good at the same time. We do go to their houses and check on them. They have been at school these past three days though. "Guys!!" Jessica called. "Alright Jess!!" I said. "What? Angel no. We are not going out to sea. We could get lost out there." Tiffany objected. "It's the only way to shut her up." I said, motioning to Jessica, who clapped.

She ran out the door and downstairs. I looked at Tiffany. "Come on!!" Jessica yelled, excitedly. Me and Tiffany walked out the door and downstairs. "Bye Dad!! We're going out!!" Jessica yelled. "Jessica wait a minute!!" George callee. "Sorry Dad!! Gotta go!!" Jessica said. We ran out to the streets and to my house. We ran through the house and to the backyard to our private beach. "I'm so excited." Jessica squealed.

"Of course you are." Tiffany said. I looked out at the water. "Guys wait. What if we do get lost?" I asked, curiously. "We won't." Jessica said. "You don't know that. Anything could happen to us out there. Let's just enjoy our swim. And besides, we'll all be together. Swimming side by side." Jessica said. "Okay that weirdly makes me feel a little bit better." I said. We took off running towards the water and dove in.

My legs became tingly and numb then my tail appeared. Once we could feel our tails, we began to swim. The feeling was amazing. I looked at the girls and hid behind some boulders. I peeked my head up and saw them looking around. I grinned and used my powers to make water rush over to them. They turned around and saw me. I waved causing them to wave back. We all grinned at each other. So glad they're my friends.

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