Chapter 8: Trouble

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Ross's POV:

I surfaced as I looked around. I turned around and saw Kyle and Trey surface. "Man oh man am I ready for this." Trey said. "Me too!! I'm so excited for this!" Kyle exclaimed. "Ross?" Someone called. I turned around and saw my Mom and Dad. They hugged me. "Are you okay?" Mom asked, worriedly. "Uh yeah. I'm perfectly fine Mom." I said. "You boys weren't seen sneaking out, were you?" Dad asked. We shook our heads.

"Nope. No one saw us Dad." I said. "Come on!! I wanna do this thing!!" Trey exclaimed. I turned around and seen numerous mermaids surface. Then the assistant of the Mermaid Council surface. "Hello everyone. I hope you all are ready for this. This full moon is the most powerful one in over fifty years people. Let's get ready." She said. I watched as everyone got in formation for the full moon.

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"Well son

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"Well son. That's your cue." Dad said. I smiled an dove. I looked behind me to see Kyle and Trey swimming behind me. We swam into the moon pool and surfaced. I looked up at the cons of the volcano. "Oh man this shit bout to be lit!!" Trey said. Me and Kyle laughed. Suddenly, someone surfaced in the water. It was April and her friends. "Hey guys." She said. "What are you doing in here?" I asked.

"Yeah get out. The Mermaid Council entrusted us with this task." Kyle said. "What? I can't pop in and say hi?" April asked. Her friends giggled. I rolled my eyes. "April get out. Okay? We have a very important job and you are not about to ruin it." I said. "I'm not gonna ruin it. Besides, I am a mermaid. I can be in here if I want." She said. "Do we need to call the Mermaid Council and tell them that you're gonna to ruin the ceremony?" Trey asked.

April glared at him before diving under. Her friends followed behind her. I looked down at saw the water was beginning to bubble. "It's time." I said. We got in formation in the moon pool. We looked up at the full moon. The water bubbled and toiled around us. Then lightning struck the walls of the cave. I smiled. It's a big one. I looked at the guys. They were both in awe at the full moon. I felt the spell of the moon go through my body. Magical.


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