Chapter 3: Underwater Project

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Angel's POV:

"ANGEL?!" Dad shouted. I screamed and jumped up out bed. I landed with a thud. The door burst open and Dad ran in. I looked up at him. "What's up? What you doing?" I cried. "GET UP!! School." He said. "What?" I asked. "I forgot to set my timer on my phone. We overslept. You guys are late for school and I'm late for work. Get up!!" He said. I scrambled to get up and ran to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower, then got dressed. I ran out the door and downstairs. I saw Tiana putting Kenneth's jacket on. She looked up at me. "Come on Angel. We're all running late." She said. "I'm aware." I said, grumpily. I'm not much a morning person. I don't like being woken up. If you ain't giving me money, food, or if the house ain't on fire, or the second coming of Jesus, don't wake me up. "Angel!!" Tiana yelled.

"What?!" I asked. "You have to take Kenneth to school. We're running late." She said. I sighed angrily then grabbed Kenneth and walked out the door. I put him in his car seat in my car. "Angel wait!!" Dad called. I looked up to see him running towards me. "Here's the school address for you and him." He said. Then he ran back to the house. I pulled out and drove off.

"Angel I'm tired." Kenneth whined. "So am I." I said. I pulled up to his school. "Alright let's go." I said. We got out and walked inside the school. I walked up to the counter. The lady looked up at me. "Can I help you?" She asked, smiling. "Yeah this is my little brother, Kenneth Starlight. He's the new kid." I said. "Oh yes. We've been expecting our new student. You ready Kenneth?" She asked, looking at him.

He yawned. "Aww he's so cute." She said. "Yeah he is. Now if you'll excuse me." I said, as I turned around and walked out the door. I ran to my car and got in. I sped off towards my new school. As I got closer, I started to become more awake. My heart started racing as I thought about what people are gonna think about me, with me being the new kid in town. I pulled up to the school. This is the school?

I pulled up to the parking lot and parked

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I pulled up to the parking lot and parked. I got out and ran over to the front office. I ran since and immediately saw a bunch of staff members. One walked up to me. "I suppose you have a past o be out of class young lady?" She said. "Actually, I'm new. I just got here. My name is Angel Starlight." I said. A man walked up to me. "Is that so?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes sir." I said. "Well then. Right this way. We've gotten an email about a new student." He said. He took me to his office. He walked behind his desk and began typing on the keyboard. Then something came out of the printer. He handed me the piece of paper. "This is your schedule Ms. Starlight. I would show you around but class has already started. I would suggest you go to it now. Here's a late pass." He said. I nodded and walked out the door.

As I wandered around the halls, I looked around at the door numbers. "A113, A113, there you are." I muttered to myself. I opened the door and all eyes were on me. "Can I help you?" The teacher asked. "Hi. I'm Angel Starlight. I'm the new student." I said. I handed her the late pass. She examined it the scoffed. "Of course. I've been expecting you but not to be late." She said. "Rough morning." I said. "I didn't ask. Have a seat." She said, with attitude.

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