Chapter 4: Bad Bitch

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Ross's POV:

"Ross?" Someone called. I opened my eyes to see Hailey staring at me. I blinked. Gritting my teeth, I asked, "What do you want?" Giggling, she said, "Mommy said to get up." I rolled my eyes and rolled over, causing her to fall off the bed. I stood up and stretched. I looked down at Hailey. "You can get out now." I said. "Ross, be nice to your sister." Mom said, as she walked past the door.

Hailey got up and ran after her. I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed and took a bath. I soaked in it and let the water soak in my tail. After I dried off, I brush my teeth, did my hair, grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs and out the door. "You can't speak?" Dad asked. "Hey. Sorry I'm supposed to be meeting the guys." I said.

Where?" Mom asked. "We were gonna do a quick swim before school." I said. "No. Head straight for school. I don't want another phone call about you missing first period....again." Dad said. I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I got in my car and drove off towards the school. I pulled up and got out. I walked inside and headed for the cafeteria. I got breakfast and ate by myself.

Then someone sat down in front of me. I looked up to see Kyle and Trey. "What?" I asked. "What happened to you? I thought we were gonna go swimming?" Kyle asked. "I was but Dad said no. Apparently my parents got a phone call from my first block teacher that I missed her class." I said. Trey smacked his teeth. "Man I hate her. That teacher always snitching on somebody." He said.

We ate our breakfast then headed on to class. We walked in the room and sat down at our table. I looked up at the teacher as she entered the classroom. I glared at her. She looked up at everyone and smiled. "Good morning everyone. Hope everyone is well rested and eager to learn." She said. "Shut up." I muttered. Some students started laughing. "Is there something funny back there?" Teacher asked.

Everyone looked at me. "Ross, did you say something funny?" She asked, as she came over to me. I crossed my arms and said, "I did but I'm not gonna repeat it." Smirking, she said, "Smart." I glared at her. "Why did you call my parents because I missed your class?" I asked. "Your always late to my class Ross. I won't tolerate it anymore. From now on, if your late to my class, your parents will receive a phone call." She announced.

I scoffed. "Please. I was late by four minutes." I said. "Is there a problem Ross?" She asked. "Yes. You called my parents for something so small. I said I was sorry I was late. That shouldn't warrant a phone call home." I said. "Well be on time to my class then." She said. "Why do you think I'm here so early then?" I said. Everyone ooh'd at my comment. "Ross, keep getting smart and your parents will get another phone call for class disruption." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure your parents would love to hear their son is disrupting my class. I'd love to call them and know that they'll punish you by snatching your phone privileges." She said, smirking. "You need to go to the hair salon and snatch back yo edges and hairline." I said. Everyone bursted out laughing. She glared at me. "That's it. Another phone call and you have detention." She said.

Then she turned around and walked to the front of the classroom. "Damn Ross. You must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Trey said. "Yeah man. You're never like this." Kyle said. "I'm pissed because she called my parents about me being late. Of all the things to call my parents for, that's the most pettiest." I said. "Why didn't you just shut up? Now you probably won't be going to the event at Mako Island." Kyle said.

I blew a breath. "Right now, I don't care. I just want get out of this bitch's class." I said. I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms. Class went on for about half and hour before a black girl walked in. I sat up and looked her up and down. Damn. She handed the teacher a note and the teacher got smart with her. I could she was still salty about my insult. The girl said she was new.

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