Chapter 7: Deep Sea Expedition

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Angel's POV:

"Wow. Today was so much fun." Jessica said. "It really was. Did you see that baby whale? Aw it was the the cutest." Tiffany said. I didn't say anything. They both looked at me. "Angel?" Tiffany called. I looked up at her. "What's up with you?" Jessica asked. I sighed. "Sorry. I couldn't really focus. I think Don still has my picture." I said. "Maybe he forgot to give it back last night." Tiffany said.

"Well then why did he care so much about us taking 'good photos'?" I asked. "I guess he really wants to promote this place." Jessica said. Sighing, I simply said, "Maybe." We got up from our dinner table and walked out to the main room. Don told us to come there when we got done eating. We walked in and seen the students all in the room. I saw Don sitting on the small stage. He stared at something in his hands.

Then a staff member went over to him. He whispered something in his ear. Don looked up and grabbed a microphone. He tapped on it and cleared his throat. "Hello everyone. Now I know it's been a long day and you had time to glue on all of your pictures on your posters. I hope you all wrote your essays too." He said. We all nodded in agreement. "Now....for the big test." He paused.

He began to grin from ear to ear. "I need three students to come with me on a deep sea expedition. My assistant here will be coming along with us. It's gonna be amazing. We will be going even deeper than we did earlier. Now I know it's gonna very scary, being at a depth you've never gone to but think about the experience you could earn from this." Don said, excitedly. Experience? Deep sea diving experience?

"Now who would like to come along with us on our expedition?" Don asked. Everyone grew silent. I looked around. Everyone was avoiding eye contact. "No one wanted to go down there. "I do!!" Tiffany exclaimed, excitedly. She raised her hand. "Me too." Jessica said. Eh.What the hell? What could go wrong? "Count me in." I said. Don smiled. "Okay. Come with me ladies." Don said. He turned to everyone.

"While I'm away on my expedition, you all are to b win bed and ready to leave tomorrow. So pack up all your belongings and be ready to leave tomorrow morning at eleven o clock." He said. Staff members began to move everyone off towards their rooms. I looked at the girls. "Ladies, follow me." Don said. He took us to his office. He looked at two men and nodded at them. They nodded and stood at the door.

They closed the door and blocked it. "Now Angel, is it? This photo you took....its incredible." Don said. I looked at him funny. Crossing my arms, I asked, "I thought you didn't believe that I actually took it?" He sighed. "At first, I thought you faked it. Then I scanned it and it turned out to be real. I don't know why but I wanted to bring you along on that expedition." He said.

I stared at him. "Angel I'm gonna be straight up with you. Out of all the students here, you three seem to be the most intrigued and willing to participate." He said. "Well we do enjoy the ocean, more than you think." Tiffany said. Don nodded. "I'm aware. I seen you girls staring out at the ocean life more than everyone here. I believe you girls could be a great asset to my company." He said. "How?" Jessica asked. He shook his head.

"Angel you took this picture yesterday. Did you happen to see anything else out there?" He asked. "I did see an orange tail. It was long. Not as long as that head on the picture but it was long. Maybe the length was about as long as a king size bed." I said. He nodded. "Anything else?" He asked. I shook my head. "Hmm. Well we are going out there to search for this thing. It would greatly benefit this place." He said.

I looked at the girls. "If we find this thing, this may be the greatest find in the history of discoveries." He continued. "Whoa. Are you just using us to find whatever this thing is?" Jessica asked. "I would give you guys share credit for finding this creature." He said. "Look Don, no offense, but I just came out here to get some deep sea experience. I want to be a marine biologist, not a sea monster discoverer." I said.

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