Chapter 12: Pool Party Part Two

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Ross's POV:

I watched as April approached me. I put my hand up and gently pushed her away. "Nope. I'm here for the pool party, not you." I said. I walked over to Angel and hugged her. Then I realized this must've been weird. I pulled back and saw her staring at me weird. "Sorry. Just haven't seen my friend in weeks." I said. She smiled. "Well I've been hella busy." She said, looking at Tiffany and Jessica.

"So what's the occasion for having a pool party?" Kyle asked. "Uh, I guess my Dad was meant to have one back when we first got here. I think it's because he wanted to celebrate his new job or something. I don't really know." Angel said. "Well let's not beat around the bush. I wanna go have fun." Trey said. I looked at him as if he's lost his mind. "Yeah I see you guys aren't dressed to go swimming." Jessica said.

"We're not swimming." I said. "Neither are we." Angel said. "Why not?" April asked. "It's our time to the month." Tiffany said. I scrunched up my face. The guys did too. "Well I see snacks so I'm gonna go dig in." Trey said, as he headed for the back door. "April why aren't you swimming too? You're not dressed for the pool." Tiffany said. "I would swim, but I don't like swimming in pools at someone's house, especially if I don't like her." April said.

Angel rolled her eyes. We walked walked outside to the backyard. I gotta admit it was pretty fun. The music was great, the food was delicious, the decorations were nice, everything was fantastic. Until it came time to go inside and talked to Angel's Dad, David, about his new job. He pretty much bragged about it. Midway through David's speech, I seen April talking to Angel's step Mom, who I found out her name was Tiana.

She honestly seemed like a bitch. She was nice at first but then Angel came around to ask me something and Tiana flipped on her. Angel got mad and stormed out the back door. "I apologize for my daughter. Angel and Tiana haven't exactly gotten along." David said. "I wonder why that is." Jessica muttered. She got up and followed Angel out the door with Tiffany behind her. I looked at the guys. We got up and followed them.

We walked out the door and seen Angel talking to her little brother, Kenneth. So me and the guys hid behind a table. "Kenneth you need to go back inside. This has nothing to do with you." Angel snapped. "Oh my God Angel!! I'm just tryna help you out." Kenneth cried. "Well I don't need your help." Angel said. I looked back at the guys. They both shrugged. "Angel you've been so mean to me lately. I'm telling Dad!!" Kenneth said.

Angel ran after him. So did Tiffany and Jessica. "No Kenneth. Don't tell Dad!!" Angel cried. Kenneth turned around and pushed Angel in the pool. She screamed as she tried to grab onto Tiffany who grabbed onto Jessica but they both fell in the water as well. Kenneth then ran off into the house. We walked over towards the pool. It bubbled and boiled til Angel and the girls surfaced. All three of them looked up at us and gasped.

"Whoa. What happened to y'all?" Kyle asked, even though he already knew the answer. Angel chuckled nervously. "It's kind of a long story." She said. "Little help?" Tiffany asked. I looked at the guys. "Umm should we go get your Dad Angel?" Trey asked. "NOOO!!" She shouted. So she hasn't told her Dad yet? "I mean....alright look. He doesn't know about me. Or us." She said. Angel, Tiffany and Jessica pulled themselves out of the pool.

"So how did this happen to you guys?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. Angel sighed. "Let's talk somewhere more private." She said. She walked off further in the backyard. The girls went after her. "Where are y'all going?" Kyle asked. "There's a private beach back here." Tiffany said. I looked at the guys. Private beach? We followed the girls to a secluded beach. "Wow." I said.

"So amazing." Kyle said. "And this is in your backyard Angel?" Trey alder. Angel nodded. "Yep." She said. We sat down on the rocks. "So what happened to you guys? How'd you get tails?" I asked. "You remember back when we did the underwater project? Well we went on an underwater expedition with Don. He took us deeper underwater to find some creature Angel caught on camera. We didn't find what we saw but instead found something else." Tiffany said.

"We found some other sea creatures. They attacked us. We even saw Cthulhu. He dragged us over six thousand meters underwater. We know no human could survive that depth and we held our breaths longer than we should've but we survived." Jessica continued. "Then we find this cave on Mako Island. We heard singing and tried to find who it belonged to, hoping they'd helped us but we didn't." Angel said.

She chuckled and smiled. "We found a moon pool. It was so amazing and we felt safe there. But we knew we had to find our way out. So we swam out and made our way back up to the land of Mako Island. Then we found this cave in the forest." Angel said. Cave? There are no caves on Mako Island. "We saw some symbol on the wall of the cave. We touched it and fell into some water....that's it. We don't remember what happened to us." Angel said.

I looked at the guys. They looked at me as I looked at them. I wanted very badly to tell Angel that I saved her life. "You sure you don't remember anything else?" Kyle asked. They all shook their heads. "Not a thing. Next thing we know we're washed up on the beach of Mako Island. The next day, we went swimming at the public pool and we grew tails." Jessica said.

"We also got powers." Tiffany said. "Powers? What kind of powers?" Trey asked. "We can heat things, explode things, freeze things, and create wind and storms. We're still practicing." Tiffany said. "Look guys. Can you keep our secret?" Angel asked. "Of course." I said. "Really? Just like that?" She asked. "Yeah. You guys are cool. We'll keep your secret." Trey said. "Is that why you guys didn't go swimming today?" Kyle asked.

They nodded. "Can't go swimming and have tails appearing and people screaming." Jessica said. We laughed. "So can we see your powers?" I asked, curiously. Angel nodded and raised her hand. She closed her eyes and made a storm cloud appear above her head. "Wow." Kyle said. Then it began to rain down on her. "Shit." She said. Then she grew a tail. Hmm. "I don't think that was suppose to happen." I said.

"Well like I said, we're still practicing." Tiffany said. "Well how bout you all do it?" Kyle said. "Why?" She asked. "We might be able to help." Trey said. "Yeah. To have power, practice indeed makes perfect. How bout you all try clearing your mind?" I said. "This is stupid." Jessica said. Angel dried off and got her legs back. "Just try it." I said. They all created storm clouds. "Okay now imagine the storm in your head." I said.

"Very good. Imagine it moving away and towards the sea or something. Imagine what you want it to look like. Create it with thunder and lightning." I said. "Lightning?" Jessica said. "That's dangerous." Angel said. "Just do it. Now when you imagine it, try to imagine the storm getting smaller." I said. I looked up at their storms. "Imagine it heading out to sea now." I said. None of their storms moved. "We can't do it. Why? Angel did it earlier." Tiffany said.

"I honestly don't know how I did it though." Angel said. "It's okay. You're not gonna get it right on the first try, even though Angel did." Kyle said. "Just keep practicing. We can help you guys, no matter what." Trey said. They looked at us. "How do you guys know so much about this?" Angel asked. "I'm sure if anyone had powers, they would know to imagine it in their heads first." I said. They giggled. We talked for a while more before heading back to the house.

It was time to go. As we said our goodbyes, I looked at Angel. She smiled at me and hugged me. For some reason, I almost kissed her. Luckily I didn't because her Dad pushed me back. "Whoa boy. What you think you doing with my daughter?" He asked. "Dad!!" Angel said. "I was just reaching for my jacket." I lied. Angel looked down. "Oh sorry. It was chilly outside." She said, as she handed me my jacket.

"I'll see you at school Angel." I said. She waved goodbye then glared at her Dad. "You need to stop being so overprotective of me." She said, before running upstairs. I walked out the door and saw Trey and Kyle smirking at me. "What?" I asked. "'I was just reaching for my jacket.'" Kyle said, mocking me. "I don't sound like that." I said. "Yeah whatever nigga. You know you was tryna kiss Angel." Trey said.

"I was about to buy her Dad interrupted." I said. We walked over to Kyle's car and got in. If only I did kiss her. I smiled at the thought.

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