Chapter 19: Just The Beginning

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Angel's POV:
One Year Later*

I looked down at Kenneth and hugged him. He smiled up at me. "So you ready to start school again?" I asked. He nodded excitedly. "Yep!! I can't wait for seventh grade. I also can't wait to show everyone how much smarter I got." He said. I smiled. I hugged and squeezed him. When I found out Kenneth didn't really die, I was so relieved. We all thought he died when April's Mom blew fiery magic at him. It was meant to take away a mer person's powers and tail.

But since Kenneth was human, it did a reverse job on him. He got powers and a tail. Two days after we took away April's powers and destroyed her mother, Kenneth showed up at the door. We were so thrilled and took him to the hospital to see if he was really okay. He was but he had powers and a tail. We knew we couldn't tell Tiana that he was alive. I know it's crazy but I feel bad that Tiana had to leave without Kenneth.

We had to tell her that Kenneth drowned when really he became a merman. Kenneth wasn't exactly subtle with the fact that he was different now. He even told two of his friends that had a tail. They didn't believe him and Kenneth also showed hisself until Kyle and Trey stepped in just in time. "Angel can I tell you something?" Kenneth asked, softly. I looked at him. "Yeah what's up?" I asked, curiously. He looked up at me with such seriousness.

"I've been having....dreams about my friend." He said. "Dreams? What kind of dreams?" I asked. "I can't explain it but....I like her. A lot. And I dream about holding her hand....and kissing her....and other things....and my 'thing' gets big. What do I do? Am I dying?" He asked. My eyes widened at him. Ohhhh. He's going through puberty. "You're not dying Kenneth. You're just becoming a man." Dad said, as he came over to us.

"What's happening to me then?" Kenneth asked. "Don't worry. It's completely natural. Let me explain it to you. You'll learn more about this when you start school next month. What you're going through is called puberty. Let me explain." Dad said, as he pulled Kenneth off to the house. I looked back Tiffany and Jessica, who were talking to Kyle and Trey. Tiffany got together with Trey while Jessica got with Kyle.

I got together with Ross. We were happily dating. I walked over to them. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey Angel. Can't believe we're going to college today." Ross said. "Uh Kenneth is going through the change." I said. "What change?" Tiffany asked. "Puberty." I said. "Ohhhhh." They all said. "He's in the car with my Dad talking about it." I said.

"That boy is gonna be scarred." Jessica said. We all laughed. We waved goodbye to Dad and Kenneth and got in our cars. We drove off towards the beach. Before we headed off to college, we decided to go for a swim. I grinned excitedly as we all ran towards the water. "Race y'all to Mako Island!!" I yelled. They ran after me. I grinned at my friends as we all swam side by side. We raced to Mako Island and back.

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