Chapter 24: Forgive Me Drooling

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= Ken's POV =

Guess what?

Another dream!

It was dark. Perhaps it was night time.

I was walking by the gymnasium with my student council colleagues, except for the president. We were looking for something or someone perhaps.

We had our torchlight scan everywhere.

The Kurama-kun was leading us. He had no voice but I could read his lips saying, Where is she?

Then suddenly a huge flash of light almost blinded us all.

Wake up! A voice said.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Haruhi-chan near my face.

I was probably dreaming so I closed my eyes again.

"I said, WAKE UP!" The voice said.


"Ouch!" I stood up from bed. "Who and what?"

"Finally." Haruhi-chan said as she was sitting on my bed. "It's nine in the morning."

I looked at the clock. And she's right.

Haruhi-chan was not wearing a kimono. Instead, she was wearing a white knitted shirt and skinny black jeans. Her hair was back to her usual short pig tails.

"Wait." I yawned. "How did you got in my flat? I locked the door properly."

"Just like last time." She said.

"Last time?" I asked. "Don't tell me you broke the door again?"

"Yup." She said.

I ran towards the outer door to verify, but it was fine.

"Just kidding!" She said behind me. "I used the spare key."

"How and when?!" I asked in surprise.

She raised her hands level to her chest and did that chakra gathering pose like on that ninja anime.

"Ninjutsu!" She said.

"You're kidding right?" I said.

"Yeah." She said. "I found it under your pillow when I slept here last time. Nice place to put it!"

"Is it me or you're being sarcastic today?" I said.

"Because I'm hungry!" She said. "You had literally zero food on your fridge."

"Yeah." A voice from the sofa said. "Go buy some groceries!"

That voice came from Miyuki. I didn't realized she was also here. She was wearing a pink cotton shirt with small carrot imprints everywhere and a brown skirt.

She then stood up and approach us.

"Buy ingredients for breakfast and more sodas!" She said.

"First of all, I just about to later today." I said. "And second, you two both live from one of the richest families in Japan, so why didn't you ate there!"

"Geez, someone is grumpy for someone who drool in his sleep." Haruhi-chan said.

"No, I didn't!" I rubbed my lips and chin.

"Yes, you did!" Haruhi-chan flashed her phone showing a picture of me drooling in my sleep.

"Hey!" I said. "It's rude to take pictures without permission."

I tried to grab her phone but she disappeared on my sight and appeared next to Miyuki by the sofa.

Haruhi-chan showed it to her and eventually both laughed out loud.

"Why did I fell for you again?" I murmured.

"Well you took mine when we were at the beach!" She excused.

"I didn't." I said.

"Oh really." She said as she took out my phone out of nowhere.

"How did you?-"

"On your bed just now." She said.

She opened it and searched for something.

"Oh, right." She said. "Everytime you tried to take a selfie with me at the Tokyo Rainbow Bridge, I punched you away." She said.

She opened the camera app and took a selfie.

"There, I saved this as my profile picture for my contacts on your phone." She said. "And I saved your drooling picture on mine."

"So cruel." I murmured.

"So cheezy." Miyuki said. "So are we gonna eat or not?"

"Wait for me outside." I said. "Let's go buy some groceries."

After dressing in some regular clothes. I joined them outside.

"Oh hey Miyuki-chan!" Yui said as she came out of her flat. "Good morning!"

Yui might be on her day off. She was wearing her gray hoodie over her pajamas. She looked like one of those hospital patient who escape from their bed.

"Good morning!" Miyuki replied.

"Oh?" Yui adjusted her glasses at Haruhi-chan. "Aren't you that girl from last time?"

"Oh, that's right." Haruhi-chan said. "Sorry for leaving with out saying anything."

"No, it's okay." Yui said.

"I'm Haruhi by the way." Haruhi-chan introduced herself.

"Are you here to visit this lazy photographer?" Yui pointed at me.

"Sort of." She replied.

Miyuki suddenly walks towards Yui and whispered something to her ear.

"EH?!" Yui said in surprise. "S-she his f-fiance? But she's so young, like a middle schooler!"

I suddenly felt a disturbance in the atmosphere.

"I'm sorry." Haruhi-chan said while shaking as if she's preventing herself from destroying the entire floor. "I'm actually 25 years old actually."

Her voice and face were calm but her body was reacting a little different.

I forgot Haruhi-chan gets really angry when treated way too young. (Well sometimes she acts a little childish though.)

"Oh?" Yui said without knowing that Haruhi-chan is getting mad. "I'm kinda jealous you look young for your age. You look extremely cute and beautiful. I can see why this guy fell for you."

Haruhi-chan stopped shaking with anger. Then she became red as a tomato. As if that last line echoed through her.

I also admit it made me blush too.

"Oh?" Yui said. "Both of you look compatible together."

"I know right!" Miyuki agreed.

"Let's take their picture!" Yui suggested.

"Great idea." Miyuki smirked at us.

Both of them put out their phones and tried to take me and Haruhi-chan's picture together.

"Quit it!" Haruhi-chan and I said in unison as we both cover our faces from embarrassment.

"Smile tomato couple!" Miyuki teased as she take multiple shots of us.

"Come on." Yui said as she does the same. "You two are getting married so be a proud couple!"

My face felt hot. As I slowly look at Haruhi-chan, she still red from embarrassment which made me my face feel hotter.

"Let's go!" I grabbed Haruhi-chan's arm and we ran for the elevator!

The two of the teasing paparazzi chased after us.

Yui and Miyuki were a scary duo.

= End of Chapter =

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