[ rawr!KINGDOM OF HUNGARY x PRUSSIA ] A Countryhuman Lemon

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| Valentine's Day special. I was gonna do Austria-Hungary x German Empire, but eh. And btw, rawr!Kingdom of Hungary was a thing. Look up past flags of it.

Prussia walked over the sodden earth, somewhat dampened from the fog from in the early morning. The grass was starting to prod up from between the last bits of snow, the plants starting to regrow after the snowy winter. Some rabbits had came out of their burrows as well, scavenging around for any newborn plants to eat. And the birds, oh the birds.. The birds were starting to come back from migration. Some were simple, others beautiful. But Prussia liked all birds.

He got back to the porch of his house, setting down the pack of wood logs. They needed it for the fireplace. His servants insisted that they could do it, but he needed to stretch his legs anyways. And then, he saw something in the woods. It looked like a deer, whatever it was. Prussia slid inside the house.

"Ich brauche meine waffe, draußen is ein reh." Prussia said. He didn't expect his son to fetch his gun, but there little Germany was, barely managing to hold the large gun. He was still quite small, but also young. He would grow. Prussia took the gun from his son. "Gut." Prussia said. He slid back outside quietly, walking off into the woods again.

He still saw the weird animal. Now that he saw it closer, that didn't look like a deer. Maybe if he got a clean shot at it he could see what it was. Once it was dead. Prussia pulled the trigger, but the animal had already dived down towards the ground. The bullet missed his target completely. Prussia heard crashing in the undergrowth, and suddenly he was knocked backwards, the gun pulled from his grip and flung aside.

Prussia let a small groan, trying to sit upwards, but he was pinned down against the peat and grass. "Prussia?" The larger country questioned. Her body was very reptilian, yet she still seemed to have some human characteristics. Like human hands, and a human body shape. But the easiest thing to tell was that she had big ass teeth. "G-Guten morgen Ungarn." Prussia said, stuttering a little bit. Hungary released Prussia from her grip, and he quickly sat upwards.

(Switching to English speaking for my insanity and yours)

"Why did you try to shoot me?" Hungary asked Prussia. "Because I thought you were a deer. They are starting to get more active now that Spring is coming.." Prussia said. Hungary stayed quiet for a moment. "Ok then. How are you?" Hungary asked Prussia. "Uh.. Good." Prussia said. "Hm. That's nice." Hungary murmured, brushing some wet mud off the tip of her tail. "Well, I have to get going.." Prussia said. "Oh, alright. I'll be around here." Hungary said. They both left the area.

Time skip because I'm homo

Prussia has been seeing Hungary a lot. Sometimes they hunted together, sometimes they gathered wood together, or they just walked together. Prussia sometimes wondered how Hungary could slip away from her capital city so often. But she was always there, and they were both happy to see each other. He even brought her some leftover dessert sometimes.

Prussia headed out towards the spot where he always met with Hungary. Spring had grown into full bloom, the forest alive with leaves and flowers. "Prussia, you are here." Hungary murmured quietly, standing up from her rock. She had a rock that she liked to sleep on, because it was always warmed by the sun. Prussia nodded, sitting down by Hungary on the rock. He had picked a few flowers from his walk. Cornflowers, his favorite type of flower. And the most common flower around here.

"Cornflowers, of course." Hungary said, looking at the Prussian blue petals of the flowers. "The same color of the deep blue on a sunny day." Hungary added quietly. Prussia held out the flowers to Hungary. "You.. S-Seem to like them." Prussia mumbled quietly. Hungary blushed a little bit with a small smile. "Is that the only reason?" Hungary purred, taking the flowers from him and smelling them. "No.. I mean, I don't know.." Prussia said. "That's ok if you don't know." Hungary told Prussia, laying down again on the warm rock. Prussia slid down by Hungary, snuggling close to her.

Some time passed, before Prussia fell asleep against Hungary. Hungary snuggled close to him, purring quietly so she wouldn't wake him up.

Another time skip sponsored by my big ass cheeks

Prussia had went yet again to see Hungary. He went every day now. He yearned to be close to her, to love her. And she wanted to love him as well. They both loved each other dearly.

Prussia had an idea at some point. It made him feel weirdly guilty inside, yet he was also aroused by the idea. Hungary nuzzled close to Prussia, they were laying together on the rock again. "Hungary, can we.. Do it?" Prussia asked Hungary cautiously. "Do what..?" Hungary questioned. "Like.. Y' know, uh.. Fuck?" Prussia mumbled nervously. "S-Sure.." Hungary said, stuttering a little bit.

She had sex before, with Hapsburg, but she didn't know about Prussia. But Prussia on the other hand, really knew nothing about sex. He was raised around men his whole life.

"Uh, so what do I do first?" Prussia asked Hungary, a little embarrassed. But Hungary didn't seem to take notice, she would help Prussia if he needed help. "You can.. Take off my clothes." Hungary said. Prussia blushed more. He.. Didn't want to do that, yet he sort of had an urge to see what a female looked like without clothes on. Especially a rawr, he wondered what the rest of her body looked like. The parts that were covered by clothing.

Prussia slid Hungary's shirt off, surprised to see that she wasn't wearing a bra. Probably because she was flat chested. But muscular too. He hesitated to pull Hungary's lower clothing down. Hungary did it for Prussia so he wouldn't have to deal with that kind of embarrassment. Prussia was taken aback when he saw that Hungary had a dick.

| Prussia just got trapped and I oop

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