Chapter Ten - To The Heart

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A/N: The picture above is Andrew!

As the elevator doors opened, the strong scent of Human filled Rayna and Andrew's noses.
"First a fine Scotch and now you're buying me dinner too? Mister Morningstar, you do know how to please this old Vampire." Alistair smirked.
"Please." Rayna scoffed. "You're a child in comparison to me." She made her way to Dan's side. "Look Andrew, one each."
Chloe and Dan glanced at each other, feeling a little uneasy.
Andrew gave a menacing expression as he approached Chloe.
"Hello. Aren't you a bonny lass?" He whispered against her skin, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
"Andrew, don't play with your food." Rayna warned.
She then took Dan's hand and put his wrist to her lips, biting gently, but not drinking, topped off with a semi-fake wince from Dan, the scene was set.
"Yer a cheeky one, Miss Ives." Andrew let out a deep chuckle, then bit directly into Chloe's neck, releasing a gasp from her lips.
Almost immediately, he let her go and jerked away, coughing and spluttering.
"Vervain!" He choked out, grabbing at his throat.
Rayna released Dan, moving towards the Scot.
"Burns like a bitch, doesn't it?" She laughed, using her Vamp speed to hold him against the wall by his throat.
"You-!" Andrew spat.
"Stop eating the locals, Andrew. It's unbecoming." She glared up at him.
With his last morsel of strength, Andrew grabbed her arm and managed to tear her away from him. He lunged, grabbing a fist full of her icy hair just as Lucifer readied himself with a stake, yelling Andrew's name. But the Vampire ignored him, throwing the Heretic through the air and straight into the piano, causing it to shatter into splinters. Rayna cried out, looking down to see a large piece of the piano was imbedded inches from her heart.
She looked to Chloe, who tried to run to her, except Dan held her back.
"Rayna!" Lucifer shouted, stepping in front of her as Andrew stormed over for more.
"Get out of the way, mortal." Andrew bellowed.
"Check again." Lucifer growled.
Andrew sniffed the air curiously.
"What are you?" He spat.
"I'm the Devil." Lucifer grinned evilly, his features flickering between his Human one and his Devil face.
Chloe and Dan were too focused on finding a way to help Rayna to notice the face change, but when Andrew and Lucifer fell into an almighty brawl, they took the opportunity to run to the Heretic's aid.
"Are you okay?" Chloe asked, falling to her knees as soon as she reached Rayna's side.
"I will be as soon as I get this crap out of me." Rayna winced.
"Here, let me." Dan said, wrapping his fingers round the broken wood.
He counted down from three and then pulled hard, tearing the wood from her body.
"Gah, there's still splinters in there." Rayna groaned as she got up with Dan and Chloe's help.
"We have to get them out." Chloe said.
"That can wait." Rayna grimaced.
Lucifer threw an incredible punch at Andrew, causing him to fall back towards Rayna, who grabbed him, throwing him to the ground. But Andrew caught Rayna's throat and in one swift movement, snapped her neck.
"No!" Chloe shrieked.
Before anyone could do anything, Andrew Vamp sped to the open elevator, making his exit.
"Rayna." Lucifer gasped, seeing her lifeless body on the floor.
The three ran to her and Chloe checked for a pulse.
"She's dead..." Her eyes welled up with tears.
Lucifer, having not seen any harm come to Rayna, let alone a snapped neck, staggered back with shock and grief.

The elevator pinged, revealing Maze.
As soon as she saw the broken piano, glass and furniture, she ran inside.
"What happened?" She asked, only seeing Rayna lying on the couch with Chloe and Dan beside her after she'd finished her sentence. "Oh no... Where's Lucifer?"
The sound of glass smashing, a man's grief-stricken screams and other things breaking filled everyone's ears, the source coming from Lucifer's bedroom.
Maze ran in, seeing the damage he'd done.
"Lucifer." She grabbed his arm.
"Let go of me!" He yelled, throwing her back a few paces.
"Lucifer, calm down!" Maze shouted, pushing him to the ground. "You're not making things better."
Lucifer lost it, he just burst into tears.
"She's gone Maze, she's gone." His body lurched with emotion as he sat up, curling into her arms.
"Shhh... It's okay." She soothed, holding him tightly.
"No it's not! We argued, Maze! We argued. I didn't get to tell her how sorry I am..." He cried.
Maze had never seen her boss this way before and it scared her to the point of tears.
The pair cried together on the floor, the Demon slowly rocking them both.
"Are you alright?" Dan asked, grabbing Chloe's hand.
"It was all going perfectly..." Chloe whispered, clearly still in shock.
"We were in way over our heads. We couldn't know that this would happen." Dan replied.
Just then, Rayna shot up, taking such a deep breath that the air could've run out in the room.
"Rayna!" Chloe gasped, taking the Heretic's hand instantly.
Lucifer and Maze ran into the room, hearing the commotion.
"Rayna, oh my God, you're alive." The Devil skidded to a halt beside his love, taking her in his arms.
"Just a snapped neck, nothing to worry about." She chuckled as though nothing had happened.
"How the Hell are you alive?" Dan asked, taking a step back.
"Haven't you ever watched a Vampire movie? The only things that can kill me are a stake to the heart, sunlight, fire and decapitation." Rayna replied as though it were obvious.
Lucifer's cries changed to that of pure, unadulterated happiness as he pulled her in for a long kiss.
"I'm so sorry about last night. It was stupid." He breathed, cupping her face in his large hands.
Rayna rested a hand on his, looking deep into his eyes.
"It's okay. I'm okay." She smiled.
But their moment soon stopped as a sharp pain ran straight through Rayna's chest, jerking her back. She let out a cry.
"The splinters." She coughed out.
"Ah shit, we forgot about those." Dan realised.
"It'll be okay. Maze, you've got smaller fingers than I have. You're up." Lucifer said, laying Rayna gently back down on the couch.
The two Detectives moved out of the way, allowing Maze to kneel by Rayna's side.
"This is gunna hurt and I'm probably gunna enjoy it." Maze raised an eyebrow.
"Enjoy it all you want, just get them out, I can feel them scraping against my heart. Any closer to the left and I really will be dead." Rayna gasped in pain.
"Be careful, Mazikeen." Lucifer instructed.
Maze nodded, immediately burying her fingers into Rayna's chest.
After a few minutes of tense anticipation, Maze plucked out the last piece of wood from the wound. Just to make sure, everyone watched on as Rayna's chest healed.
"I'm weak, I need blood." The Heretic sat up carefully. "There's some blood bags in the fridge."
"I'll get some." Chloe volunteered, jogging over to the bar.
Rayna practically snatched the first bag from her, ripping it open and closing her mouth around it.
She let out a satisfied hum, closing her eyes in contentment as the thick red liquid coated her throat.
"Well that's just gross." Dan's top lip curled in disgust as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
Rayna parted herself from the now empty blood bag, gasping for air.
"Fuck, that's better..." She sighed.
But the scent of more blood - specifically Chloe's - caught her nose.
"Chloe, you're bleeding. Come here." Rayna told her.
"Why?" The Detective asked.
"My blood can heal you." Rayna informed her.
She nodded and sat next to the Heretic.
Rayna bit into her wrist, letting the blood flow a little bit.
"Here. Drink." She said.
Chloe hesitated, looking around at the three others watching her, but complied and put her lips to Rayna's wound.
Within seconds, Chloe's neck wound was completely healed.
"That's incredible." Dan's eyes were wide.
"That's Vampirism." Rayna smirked as Lucifer handed her and the others a Scotch.
"Cheers to that." Lucifer raised his glass.
Rayna placed her glass down without taking a sip.
"If you all don't mind, it's been a trying day. I'd like to sleep." She sighed.
"Yes, of course. I think we all deserve a good night's sleep." Lucifer nodded.
With a unanimous agreement, Chloe, Dan and Maze said their goodbyes and left, leaving the Devil and the Heretic in the middle of what looked like a war zone.
"Are you alright, Rayna?" Lucifer asked, approaching her.
She looked down as he took her hand in his, squeezing it lightly.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Rayna replied, not particularly making any effort to make eye contact.
"There's something on your mind. What is it?" The Devil pressed.
"Could you really spend eternity with me?" She questioned, finally meeting his gaze.
Lucifer cupped her face in his hands, softly stroking her cheeks with his thumbs.
"These past weeks have been incredible, Rayna Ives." He looked her dead in the eye, proving to her that he meant every word. "To spend the rest of time waking up to you would be an honour. I would give up all I have to be worthy of that."
Rayna felt tears stinging her eyes at his words.
"I love you, Lucifer." Her voice cracked as his name left her lips.
He simply smiled genuinely at her before leaning down to place a deep, passionate kiss on her soft lips, then rested his forehead on hers.
"And I love you." He whispered.

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