You're No Fun

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Mark closed the door to his dorm room. Waiting for him inside was his reclusive roommate, Lucas. The two had been rooming together for nearly an entire year, but Mark barely knew the man. At the moment, he was cramped at his desk with his study supplies spread all around him. The tall man dressed in a thick blue and grey sweater and black jeans looked from his extremely annotated textbook to his thick notebook, then to his laptop, and finally went back to cross-check his printed out notes.

Mark shook his head in amazement as he walked to his bed on the far side of the room. "You'll get shorter if you stay bent like that."

"Get bent," Lucas told him without looking up. He tapped his pencil against his book as he read the page and made little notes in his giant, and mostly filled, notebook.

"I tried it once, didn't like it too much. Now I bend people," the younger of the two joked. Lucas stopped for probably the first time since he got home, looked at his reclined roommate, giving him a sultry look, and rolled his eyes with near suffocating disdain.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be annoying?"

"Nope! It's already past four." In an infrequent occurrence, for the pair, at least Lucas huffed a soft laugh and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm going to grab some dinner soon. Want me to grab you anything on my way out?"

"Aw, Lucas! Are you developing a soft spot for me?" Mark sat up on his bed and leered at the man rolling his neck to work out the kinks that had developed from hours of eye-boggling studying. "When you get back, I'll give you a reward," Mark sang suggestively.

"So you don't need anything? Cool, I'll be back soon. Don't touch anything of mine while I'm gone." The Chinese man slipped on his shoes, grabbed his wallet, and left the room without a second glance to his annoying roomie.

"Don't touch anything of mine while I'm gone," Mark grumbled in a bad Lucas impression. As usual, he undid his pants to rub himself all over his roommate's favorite desk supplies like his lucky Chinese knot, his figure-eight statute, and the lucky cat he was gifted by their mutual friend Yuta. As childish as it was, Mark took evil delight in watching Lucas rub the head of the cat that had had his dick on it before leaving on a test day. Lucas never knew that the pencil he lightly gnawed on had touched his roommate in a way he never wanted it to.

Mark giggled as he put the pencils back in place when he heard the lock to his room turn. His eyes widened in panic, and in a desperate attempt to not get caught, he threw himself on his bed and started stroking himself. Lucas walked in with a bag of food and a happy look in his eyes. He ran into his friend Kun while he was out. They talked a bit before Kun had to go and deliver food to his helpless roommates Sicheng and Yangyang. All of that disappeared as the tall man looked up to find his roommate jacking off with his eyes closed.

Lucas's face dropped as he made a noise of disgust. "Dude! You couldn't have done that anywhere else?" The tall man covered his eyes and stumbled over to his desk. "Seriously, do that in the bathroom of something or wait until I'm gone. That's just gross!" He picked up his lucky pen and put the cap between his teeth while he looked for where he left off. He turned around when he heard his roommate giggle. "What," he asked gruffly.

"Nothing," Mark responded as he continued to touch himself. The feeling of his roomie watching him made every stroke feel a hundred times better. "Hmm," he moaned. He quickened his pace as Lucas groaned, a sound that turned him on even more.

"Fine, I'll leave," the Chinese man said. He packed up his backpack and grabbed his food while doing his best to avoid making eye contact with something he didn't want. "Inconsiderate jackass," he mumbled under his breath.

"Lucas," the man on the bed moaned. The person in question froze as he listened to his pervy flatmate moan his name. "Just like that," he continued. Lucas broke from his trance and stood up quickly, his face down and set in stone. He reached into the bag and grabbed the food he got for Mark in a death grip.

"Do. Not. Do that. Ever again," Lucas growled. He looked Mark dead in the eye as he approached the side of the bed. He jerked the boy up by his shirt, leaning down in the nervous boy's face. "Or I'll break it." Mark's eyes got wide as he took his hand off of himself and unconsciously wrapped his fingers around the wrist, holding him.

"I understand, I understand," he said quickly. Lucas dropped him back on the bed and placed the box of food on the smaller man's chest rather gently for the threat he just gave.

"Enjoy the food," he said as he walked out of the room. Before he closed the door, he threw a travel tissue pack at his roomie and closed the door. Lucas went straight to the library. He threw his things down and left for a trip to the bathroom with anger burning in his chest and his cheeks burning red. 

Mark breathed heavily as he quickened his pace

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Mark breathed heavily as he quickened his pace. His mind was dancing with the images of his roommate in all sorts of lewd positions. "Fuck." The college student came hard with tightly closed eyes. Oh so gently, he took his hand off of himself and sat up on his elbows, observing the damage his clothes took. His once black and red shirt had plenty of white on it along with splattered dark jeans.

He looked over to his roommate's bed and thought about what he wanted to ask so bad but may have gotten him beat up. "You're no fun," he said as he stripped off his shirt.

 "You're no fun," he said as he stripped off his shirt

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