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A loud short bell was ringing overhead, heavy steel doors opened with a crash.

"Prisoner, free," the prison guard said in a stoic voice, rising from his seat. He nodded impatiently towards the gates in order to let out another criminal who has reeled off his punishment.

Jungkook gave him a short, colorless look and turned to the gate, clutching his jacket and documents in his hand. The realization of freedom didn't come immediately - slowly, gradually acquiring a contour and clear features. In front of the wasteland, golden field and a long road, cutting it into two parts. About thirty meters from the gate there was an empty bus stop and parking for visitors and the prison staff. There was nothing within a radius of fifty kilometers from the prison. In case of escape, there was no place to hide. No one had tried to escape before - it was pointless.

The Alpha was checking time for a few seconds. Out of habit, he ruffled his light brown hair with a reddish tinge barely visible in the sun, and took a step, finally going beyond the prison threshold. The gate immediately closed, pushing the former prisoner into the hands of freedom, it's taste especially sweet after a year in a high security colony. The past remained behind the gray fence, the present was calling and waiting. Abandoning freedom would no longer be easy.

A dark blue hypercar in the color of starry night sky was already waiting in the parking, shimmering in the sun and shining like a bright new star against the background of a dull, gray prison landscape. The passenger door opened gently, raising like an angel's wing, inviting and welcoming. Quickly looking at the graceful and smooth curves of the car, Jungkook got in , immediately leaning back on the comfortable seat and looking at the horizon, where the blue sky touched the endless field.

"Maclaren P1, 2013, with a hybrid engine," Jungkook slowly spoke in a low, hoarse voice after two long minutes of silence, as if he was talking about how he'd spent his day. "Nine hundred horsepower, not bad," he nodded approvingly, finally turning his head to the driver. "Rear-wheel drive," he added, slightly grinning and looking into his older brother's eyes, which were looking back from under his sunglasses.

"Were you allowed to use Google in prison? " Hoseok grinned, starting the engine and turning to the road smoothly.

"Roars nice," Kook said, opening the window and putting his hand out the window. "Since when have you driven british ones?" He asked, catching the wind with his fingers. The long-awaited thrill was awakening, heart was beating faster and faster, picking up speed at fast as the car.

"About six months," Hoseok replied, looking at his brother and smiling slightly. "New tattoo?" He asked, noticing a black pattern that resembled snake scales, showing near the collar of Jungkook's T-shirt.

His little brother had changed a lot. Hoseok didn't know, how much his inner world had changed during the year, but he looked older and stronger. His face was now serious and thoughtful, there were tiny wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He became more muscular, it was visible through his extremely tight, white T-Shirt. Compared to him, Hoseok was a frail carcass, just skin and bones. His brother had really changed. Prison had always hardened people and made them stronger. Only one thing was the same: the way he looks at the cars and the road. It was still full of adoration, and it was really encouraging.

"Yes", Jungkook grinned, gazing at his brother again. Hoseok looked relaxed, driving his high-spirited car lazily. The speedometer went over 150, the car was flying like an arrow, like a hunting bird that has found it's prey. It roared aggressively, but melodically, caressing both alphas' ears. Hoseok had always looked beautiful at its wheel, perfect, as if it was created specially for him. It suited him, he'd made a good choice.

A light, cool, refreshing wind blew through the windows, getting into each cell of the body and clearing out all the prison mold living under Jungkook's skin after this hateful year. A warm sunlight touched his skin , tattooed with different paintings decorating his veiny arms, again. Jungkook had missed it - he missed speed, smell of oil and fresh paint, light crunch of tires, leaving burnmarks on the road. That was his life before the arrest, and now he was starting to live again, the smell of all of this was better than any perfume.

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