Test drive

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The annoying sun got into a large light room. The translucent curtain undulated in the morning breeze. Yoongi shivered in his sleep, wrapping himself on the big warm blanket and hiding his face from the sun into the pillow. The omega felt fingers, stroking his hair nicely, and smiled reflexively. Hoseok, which had woken up a long time ago, leaned over sleeping Yoongi. He looked like a soft kitten in his sleep, being in need of protection and care. The alpha smiled lightly, stroking omega's hair gently and looking at the sleepy pouted face. He looked like he was not seventeen but thirteen at that moment. So innocent and pacified. Hoseok reached to omega, breathing in the light scent of lilac, and whispered into his ear, touching it with his lips mildly:

"Yoongi-ya, wake up, you need to go to school", he whispered, smiling and watching omega's face changing from carefree to labored. Yoongi mumbled discontentedly, turning away and covering his head with the blanket.

Hoseok smirked and got up from the bed, going to the footboard.

"Don't you get up?", he asked, getting the negative response from underneath the blanket.

The cold spiny air touched omega's naked body, as Hoseok pulled off the blanket harshly, depriving him of warmth and peace.

"Hoseok-ah!" , Yoongi yelled, sitting on the bed. The hellfire burned in his sleepy eyes, but it was not scary. Rather funny, especially with his disheveled blond hair. "Give me back my blanket!"

Hoseok laughed and shook his head. Yoongi was furious and sleepy after the hot night in Black Hole. He absolutely couldn't drink, wasn't able to control his body after the alcohol. Everything was fine at night, too fine to think about the consequences, but in the morning he turned into a furious cat, ready to tear apart every person who broke his sleep. Hoseok got already used to it. It was Yoongi's fault that he hadn't had enough sleep. It was a punishment for drinking to death. Drinking is bad, especially for seventeen-year-old omegas, which study in the graduating class. And now he's sitting in the middle of the large bed, sending the withering stare to his alpha and breathing like a beast.

"Go take a shower, and than have breakfast", Hoseok said, ignoring attempts to incinerate him, and put the blanket onto the bed.

The alpha turned away and was about to leave the room, but heard the quiet voice:

"Hoseokie", Yoongi became a different person at one moment. He kneeled on the edge of the bed and reached out for Hoseok, looking at him imploringly with these cat eyes.

Hoseok looked at omega and grinned, coming up and stopping in front of the omega. Yoongi grabbed alpha's shirt with his fingers and pressed his face against the strong chest, pulling Hoseok behind him, letting him sit down. The omega climbed over his thighs at once, putting his hands around Hoseok's neck and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Daddy", he said with a sweet voice, looking into brown eyes and smiling mildly. He started moving slowly, biting his lips. Hoseok knew this trick, he stayed silent, putting one hand on omega's waist, and pretending to let these eyes hypnotize him. "Can I stay home today?", the omega asked gently, caressing alpha's neck with his fingers. "I'll do my homework, I promise", he quickly nodded several times in all honesty, "and clean up, and wash your McLaren. Please", he finished the phrase in a tiny voice, looking at alpha waitingly.

Hoseok smiled warmly, putting his fingers on Yoongi's cheek, looking at the light smile and half-closed eyes. The omega was sure he succeeded, he clung to Hoseok's palm like a kitten searching for care. Hoseok kissed him gently and whispered into his year:

"You're going to school, baby"

"Shit!", Yoongi yelled angrily, getting away from Hoseok's knees. The flames in his eyes appeared again. "I want to sleep as hell! I hate school! When the fuck will my suffering end?" , he continued, quickly leaving the room. Hoseok laughed, staring after him. Yoongi would probably curse him for the whole day.

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