I would live like this forever (2)

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Jungkook presses a cigarette between his lips and watches students leaving the main university building through his dark glasses, looking for one special person.

All of the students' gazes are on Jungkook, who is leaning on the hood of the Agera. They just can't take their prying eyes off and stop whisper, because Jeon Jungkook has arrived at the university for some reason, it means he's waiting for someone who is incredibly lucky to get the attention of such an alpha. Jungkook catches the hungry and ambiguous glances of the omegas, and he hears his name in conversations between students who are likely to witness or participate in wild races at night. Jungkook is the king, and everyone in his kingdom knows him by sight.

The alpha lets out a cloud of smoke and clamps a cigarette between his fingers, pulling out his phone and checking time. Jungkook is running out of patience. He has been waiting for days, overwhelmed by the work Hoseok had thrown on him. Permanent transactions and supply control, there couldn't be a single second for other thoughts. But Jungkook has found it somehow: he thought a lot about Taehyung, the omega didn't call him since he had canceled their meeting. And again, the omega disappeared from the radar, without any warning. It made the alpha nervous, so he came to meet Taehyung right after making a deal in the morning. He just needs to finally find out what's going on.

And here he is. There is grace and beauty in every movement. He is wearing a light cream shirt printed with delicate shades of flowers, unbuttoned at the top to show how a thin chain gleams on the neck. Classic black trousers and black Gucci shoes match perfectly, a bag hangs on his elbow, and his free hand holds the phone. As always: socialite in her full glory.

Jungkook immediately tosses his cigarette butt into a nearby trash can and blows out smoke as soon as he sees the omega. A mild smile involuntarily appears on his lips. Jungkook was bored, but now his soul trembles, feeling him in the air among hundreds of aromas. Delicate flowers touch him with their petals and get inside his lungs slowly.

Taehyung discusses something with one of the students, then smiles slightly, nods, and walks down the stairs, saying goodbye to his groupmates. Jungkook watches and memorizes his every move.

He's incredible.

The omega is getting closer, his scent is getting sweeter. Jungkook folds his arms across his chest and peeks out from behind his glasses, watching Taehyung approach him. But the omega looks anywhere but at him as if Jungkook wasn't here. He slips his phone into the side pocket of his bag and takes out the keys for the Lambo, looking in the direction where the red Aventador is parked.

Taehyung defiantly walks past the bewildered Jungkook, jerking up his chin and leaving behind him a floral trail with hints of citrus perfume. Jungkook chuckles, grabs the omega's wrist, and pulls at himself before he slips away.

"Hey, Mister!", Taehyung breathes out indignantly, staring at Jungkook with round eyes. "What are you doing? I don't know you ..."

Jungkook shuts the omega with a kiss, eagerly biting into his plump lips. He slides his tongue over them, gently bites, and feels the sweetness that has become his favorite one. Taehyung hums something, clutches the alpha's strong shoulders with his fingers, but certainly doesn't want to pull away. Jungkook sits on the hood and presses Taehyung against him, fingers slipping under his loose shirt tucked into his trousers. The omega immediately pulls back and licks his lips, glaring at Jungkook with displeasure.

"Mister, what do you think you are doing!", he hisses dramatically, erasing the smudged lip gloss with his finger.

The passing-by students are staring at them from all sides, not hiding surprised, curious, and envious glances. But Jungkook looks like he doesn't see them. He sees only one omega in front of him, and the rest of the world seems to be covered with a haze.

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