The Most Wanted

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Jimin stands there, gripping the door of Chevrolet with his fingers, looking at Jungkook like a terrified animal who's ready to be eaten by a carnivore. His lower lip is trembling, tears are gleaming in his eyes. The omega is afraid to even move. He looks into Jungkook's burning eyes and freezes, being pretty sure that the angry alpha, who has already lost control, will smash his head if he moves even a little. Surprise and confusion are seen in Jungkook's eyes, his chest moving heavily, his hand gripping the wooden handle of the bat tightly. Everyone around them stays quiet, holding their breath. Namjoon stands behind, also surprised and bewildered.

Jungkook jumps off the hood and releases the bat. It falls on the asphalt with a thud, breaking the silence and rolling to the side. Jimin watches the piece of wood, trying to get distracted by something, just not to look into the alpha's eyes, filling with a new kind of anger and aggression.

The cigarette falls on the asphalt after one last puff, crushed by Jeon's boot. Jungkook is confused, this situation seems to be a dumb joke, but everything inside him is already heating like butter in a frying pan, and it's hard to stop it. He gets close to Jimin at a moment, pinning his tiny body against the car, squeezing his thin neck with his fingers. The vein is beating wildly under his fingers, but the alpha doesn't care about it, only grabbing it harder, without controlling his strength. There is a system error in his head because Jimin has somehow got into the place of a killer. So scared and trembling Jimin, which is always by his side, sharing his warmth with Jungkook, smiling softly and kissing him in the mornings. But the fuse burns out and Jungkook is already unable to control himself. There are lightning, hurricanes, typhoons in his eyes, it's scary to even look there.

"I didn't think I would see you here, Jiminie", Jungkook hissed right into the face of the omega, who started to choke and grabbed the alpha's wrist with his fingers, trying to loosen his steel grip. "That was you... All this time. That was you", every word hits Jimin like a slap. Jungkook shook the omega, making him hit his head against the car metal painfully. Jimin blinked as hot tears ran down his cheeks.

"Jungkook", he whispered, barely audible, unable to resist.

"Get away from him, Jeon", a steel voice behind his back was heard and the alpha felt cold metal on the back of his head. Jungkook loosened his grip on the omega's neck and turned around. Im Jangwoo stood in front of him, holding a gun in his hand and aiming at the alpha's face.

"Don't fucking poke this into me", Jeon growled, slapping the alpha's arm and making it move to the side. Jangwoo didn't hesitate and punched Jungkook to his jaw. Jeon staggered a bit, surprised, and laughed, looking from under his brows. "Here's the main villain", he wheezed, spitting his bloody saliva on the asphalt and wiping his lips with the back of his hand. "Or a hero?"

Namjoon was standing behind Jangwoo's back, held by two alphas, who were beaten by him while he was trying to take them away from Kook. Joon looked like an angry bull: his nostrils flaring, his chest heaving quickly, a bruise blooming on his cheekbone. He was trying to break out of their grip, but the alphas squeezed his hands tighter, not letting the alpha hit them.

Jangwoo was staring at Jungkook coldly, gripping the gun in his lowered hand. A short glance, warmed for a second, directed to the omega, who was gasping for air, and got back to Jungkook.

"Are you impudent enough to do it again this soon?", Jungkook said, licking his lip and pacing in front of Jangwoo like a tiger in a cage. "I couldn't even imagine you're that bastard".

"Jungkook, listen..." Jimin said, still standing next to the Chevrolet and not daring to approach the alphas.

"Shut up", Kook growled, throwing a short, angry look at him. He darted off and hit Changwoo in the face sharply, hearing a loud crunch. Dark blood spurted out of the alpha's nose, flowing down to his gray T-Shirt under the unzipped jacket. One of the alphas moved towards Jangwoo and Jungkook, releasing Namjoon and leaving him for the other one.

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