Chapter 15 - What Happens Next?

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Chapter 15


Just after we brought Jewel home two months ago, R5 did their last show, which was pretty emotional, and now I think ‘second generation R5’ will be starting up soon. But ever since after that, Ross has been acting strange – not him.

“What’s up?” I finally muster up enough to say this to him.

“Um, nothing. What do you mean?” Ross’ eyebrows furrow in confusion.

“Don’t play dumb,” I press. “You know what. You’ve been acting all distant; what’s up?!” He sighs. “Nothing! Why’re you being so persistent?” I roll my eyes. “I’m not, I just want to know what’s up with my distant husband.”


Why is Ashley acting this way? So maybe she’s right about me acting distant. But I can’t tell her what I’m hiding. And that’s that I have to go overseas. You see, ever since I was young, I’ve wanted to be a pilot. And I haven’t even told Mom and Dad about applying for the deployment.

“I’m not! Would you quit it?!” I’m gradually starting to get aggravated with her behavior. “Why are you lying to me? You know you can tell me anything.”

I can’t tell you this, though. “I know, I know. Just – leave it for now, okay?”


“Fine, Ross.” I sigh, walking up the stairs, to our bedroom, walking in, when I see a white envelope slightly hanging out of Ross’ bedside table’s drawer.

I shut the door softly, walking over to it, taking it in my hand, reading the typed words on the front.

Ross Lynch, Deployment.’

My eyebrows furrow, but I take out the document inside the already open envelope, unfolding it, skimming over it. Ross applied to be a military pilot?! And didn’t tell me? And from the looks of it, he’s leaving overseas in a week.

“What’s this?” I hold up the envelope and document in my hand, standing in front of Ross as he sits on the couch watching TV.

“I don’t know,” he answers casually. “Now could you move?!”

“No, I can’t,” I say firmly, switching the TV off. “Why wouldn’t you tell me about this?!”

“Because I knew you’d do this!” He raises his voice. “Why were you snooping in my drawer?”

“It would have been better if you told me right away!” My voice matches his. “So you just thought you could just hide this and then fly overseas and think we wouldn’t notice?!”

“I guess! But why would it matter to you?!”


“I-I didn’t-”

“What about the kids, Ross?! Mom! Dad! WHAT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY, ROSS?!” The tears blur my vision, but I make out Ross standing and walking toward me, but I take a step away. “No just – no. Stop. If you think a hug and ‘sorry’ is going to work, it’s not. Because you don’t care that you’re risking your life and leaving your life – your family – here. Your kids without a father. Parents without a son. Just think about it, okay?” By the end, my voice was shaking uncontrollably.


Dad’s going overseas for the military?! No. No, he can’t. What if he… he dies? He’ll be at high risk being a pilot, that’s for sure.

“Shh,” I rock Jewel in my arms as I hear Mom finishes her yelling at Dad. “It’s okay, J. Shh.”

She finally falls asleep after two minutes or so, so I lay her back down in her crib, then walking to the door, closing it, walking back to my room sitting on the edge of my bed.

“C?” Annabelle comes in. “Yeah?” I lift my head toward her and see that she’s been crying. I open my arms for her, and she sits on my lap, her head against my shoulder, tears soaking my shirt. I rub her back in soothing circles.

“I-is Dad leaving?” She asks quietly after her cries die down a little.

“I-I dunno, Belle,” To be honest, I didn’t. “But let’s just wait till Mom and Dad tell us for sure, okay?” She nods against my shoulder, and I lean my cheek against her hair.



How am I supposed to tell the kids? They’re going to be heartbroken.

“Kids,” I speak, breaking the silence at the dinner table. I’m going to stay as strong as I can for their sakes. “I’m going to assume you heard most of mine and your dad’s conversation earlier, and it is true. Your dad is leaving in about a week for deployment.”

Annabelle and Carter both nod silently, not saying a word. I glance at Ross across the table, and we met eyes, which were both drowning in sadness. I didn’t hold my stare for any longer because tears were filling my eyes just at the thought.

“Could you put my plate away when you’re done, C?” Carter nods, and I stand, walking out of the dining room quickly, my emotions getting the best of me as I walk into the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed on Ross’ side.

I clutch my head in my hands, as I hear footsteps coming in, then the bed dips beside me.

“Ross, if you’re about to say ‘don’t cry,’ what else am I supposed to do?! Be ecstatic that you’re leaving and risking your life?”

Ross sighs. “You know I’ve wanted to be a pilot for forever. Why can’t you at least be happy for me?”

“I want to be, I really want to be Ross,” I pause, standing from our bed, facing him. “But you’re just upping and leaving us. I just – I don’t know. And what if you die, Ross? What if? And then what will happen?”

Ross doesn’t answer, just stares at the floor as I wipe my eyes and I’m sure I’m looking like a total model right now.

“Ashley, please don’t do this. I promise I won’t. I promise I’ll come back safe and sound. And we can live our lives like we are right now. I promise.” He stands, wrapping his arms around me. I don’t have a choice but to stay in his arms.

I take in his scent that I will miss dearly when he’s gone, and his hugs. Just everything.

“Now let’s not cry anymore, okay? Let’s just make the best of the time we have together before I leave.” Ross whispers, but I don’t answer. I know I didn’t have to.

Let’s hope Ross gets home safe.


A/N: Hey hey!

I haven’t updated in like a week omgosh so sorry!

What do you think about Ross leaving overseas? Do you think he’ll come back home safe and sound?

Leave your thoughts! :D

Love you all,

~Ashley xx

As Time Goes By - MHB Sequel - Ross Lynch/R5 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now