Chapter 18 - Merry Xmas

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Chapter 18


"Mom," I hear loud whisper and someone shakes my shoulder. "Mom! Wake up, it's Christmas!"

I open my eyes, rubbing them, to see Annabelle beaming, and just a little behind her is Carter holding Jewel in his arms. I sit up on the edge of the bed, a smile appearing on my face.

"Morning," I stand, taking Jewel from Carter's arms. "Merry Christmas. Let's head downstairs."

We all head downstairs, and of course, the kids being excited, start ripping through the gifts.

"C! Look!" Belle squeals, holding a gift in Carter's face. "It's from SANTA!"

He laughs. "Yeah, but lets-" he leans over to whisper the next part in her ear, and she nods, smiling at me. She grabs a present from C's hands, and brings it over to me, taking Jewel from my arms.

"Open," she states, and I laugh. "Okay, okay. I'm opening." I rip the wrapping paper from the box, to reveal a smaller jewelry box inside it.

"What's this?" I gush, opening the velvet box to reveal a beautiful gold necklace that is a Ashtree.

"Grandma helped us a little," C tells me. I smile at both him and Belle. "Thank you guys. C'mere, you both need a hug."

We all manage to hug with Jewel being in Belle's arms, and after we finish opening gifts, I leave Jewel in her bounceseat in the living room with the kids to start on Christmas breakfast in the kitchen. Suddenly, my laptop starts to ding from the kitchen island, telling me I have a Skype call coming in. I answer, in complete, utter shock to see Ross on the other end.

"Ross!" I exclaim, and he smiles. "Oh my goodness." My hand covers my mouth surprise.

"Hey babygirl," he still smiles. "How're you?"

Tears fill my eyes, but I blink them away. "I'm good, but Merry Christmas, baby."


Its so nice to see Ashley's face again. I miss seeing it everyday.

"Merry Christmas Ash," I smile still. "Where are the kids?" Ashley leans out of the camera a little and I hear her call Carter and Annabelle.

They both run into the camera's view, and they both smile.

"Dad!" Carter exclaims. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to both of you munchkins," I grin, and I see Ash bring back a bundle of pink, going between C and Belle with Jewel.


"I miss all of you so much," Ross tells me, and I nod sadly. "Same over here. But how's that injury healing?"

The kids wave 'bye' to Ross and they run back to the living room.

"Good," he says. "It was painful at first, but now it's okay." Then he adds a moment later, "Sorry babe, I gotta go, but I'll hopefully see you soon. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Ross." We hang up, and I can't help but let a few tears shed as I walk back to put Jewel back in her bounceseat, starting on breakfast.


After we eat, we all clean, and then get ready to head over to Mom and Dad's place for a little celebration there with everyone.

"Ash!" Mom beams as we walk in the door. We hug. "Hi Mom. Merry Christmas."

We say 'Merry Christmas' to everyone, and head into the living room, Jewel in my arms as I talk with everyone.

"Here, let me hold her," Ryland takes her from my arms. "Relax. You need to, and don't worry. I'll be fine." I chuckle. "Okay, Ry. Thank you."

He smiles, sitting with his wife, Tatiana, and they smile down at her in adoration.


"Ar, follow me." I motion for Ariel to follow me out of the living room, and into the front entrance.

"What's up, C?" Ariel looks up at me, and I can't help but let a smile appear on my face. "I have something for you."

Back when I stayed on tour with Auntie Delly and Uncle Ell, I had seen a beautiful gold heart necklace in a jewelry store we passed at one point, so Uncle Ell helped me with it.

I take out the lavender purple velvet box from my suit jacket - yes, Mom made me wear it - pocket, revealing it to Ariel, and her hand clamps over her mouth in surprise.

"Carter..." She whispers, and I hand her the box. "Here, open it." She opens the box, and I see happy tears feel her eyes.

"It's... it's beautiful, C. Thank you." Her arms wrap around my neck in a hug, mine finding her waist.

"Let's put it on." I suggest, and she nods, unwrapping her arms from me, turning around, moving her hair to one side, as I take the necklace out of the box, clasping it around her neck and she turns around, examining it.

"Merry Christmas, babe." I rewrap my arms around her waist, hers finding my neck, as I lean and connect our lips softly.


Hey hey!

I haven't updated in ages! I apologize, but I dunno if it has been ages. Maybe it just feels like it. Haha.

How did you like the Cariel ending? (And if you're wondering, yes, Cariel is Carter and Ariel). Haha.

Love you all,

~Ashley xx

As Time Goes By - MHB Sequel - Ross Lynch/R5 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now