Chapter 20 - I Missed You

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Chapter 20


The kids, everyone, and I walk through the glass sliding entrance doors of the airport, anticipating Ross' arrival.

"Dad's coming home, Dad's coming home." Annabelle chants, and I smile slightly, as I roll Jewel's stroller back and forth, keeping Jewel calm.

"Here," Mom says softly, smiling. "Let me take her. When Ross walks out, you should be the first to greet him."

I bite my lip. "You sure, Mom?" She nods. "Don't worry, sweets. You should." I softly smile. "Okay. Thanks, Mom."

"Flight A56 has now arrived," the intercom tells the airport, and I stand with Carter, Annabelle, and Ariel as we wait to see Ross' head of shaggy blonde.

We finally see a sea of camoflouge uniforms, and my eyes search the sea of green, finally landing on Ross' head of blonde. He spots me, and once the sea disperses, he drops his bag, running over to me, embracing me in his arms.

"Oh my god," he breathes, and he leans out of our hug, his arms leaving my waist so his hands can cup my cheeks. "I missed you so much. You don't even know."

We hear a few 'aww's from behind us, and we turn around, seeing other soldiers' girlfriends and wives, smiling at us.

"You two are so cute!" One of them smiles. "But it was like a movie scene when you ran up to her!" She directs this at Ross and he smiles down at me.

"Dad!" We hear a chorus of voices, and Ross turns around completely now, facing Carter and Annabelle.


I almost trample Dad in a hug, making him chuckle.

"I missed you," I start to cry slightly, but not because I'm sad. I'm very happy Dad's home, it's just that he's home now; but I missed so much.

"Hey, hey," he pulls out of our hug. "Don't cry, C. I'm here now, right?" Dad smiles, and I nod, a smile growing on my face. "I love you, Dad."


Ross greets everyone, and he takes Jewel's stroller from Mom, and I take his bag for him, and we all walk back to our cars, climbing in. We all start to drive home

'Delly: What about going to Mom and Dad's place for a welcome home party for Ross?'

'Me: Sounds awesome! What time?'

'It'll be at about 6. Arrive at about that time. Mom and Ihavealready talked about it. See ya then!'


"I missed you so much," Ross whispers against my lips as he backs me up against our closed bedroom door.

"I missed you too, Ross." His lips connect with mine in a passionate, somewhat rough kiss.

"Ross," I place my hands on his chest, gently pushing. "The kids." He sighs. "I know, I'm sorry. I've just... missed you."

"I know, I know," I tell him. "Same here. What about tonight after we get home? Then I'm all yours."

"Okay." He smirks, and I wrap my arms around him in a hug, my head resting against his chest.


"So, how've you been?" Rydel asks, and I smile. "We've talked everyday, Delly. I think you already know." I laugh.

"I know," she chuckles. "I mean, how's everything with Jewel now that Ross is back? It's a little easier I'm sure."

"Yeah," I tell her. "It is. But even before he left, C helped a lot. He still does." She nods, a soft smile on her lips as I feel an arm around my waist.

"I'll leave you two for a minute," Delly winks, and I giggle, and she walks off to Ellington.

"Hi," I look up at Ross. "Hey babe. Is it okay if I kiss you?"

"No!" I giggle, pushing his chest, and he chuckles. "Fine, fine. But I can't for tonight." He winks, and I can't help but smile and roll my eyes playfully.


"Alright, kids. Time for bed, it's late." I tell Carter and Annabelle, and they both yawn, walking up.

"Night Mom. Night Dad." They both yawn again, and I walk Jewel into her room, changing her, tucking her in, then walking to mine and Ross' bedroom, and as soon as I lay down, he's hovering over me.

"Eager?" I giggle, and smirks. "Maybe. But only because I haven't been with you."

He crashes his lips against mine, and our lips move perfectly in-sync, and I feel like I'm young again. God, I miss being young. But I'd never trade this life for anything else.


Hey hey hey!

I thought I'd update this because I didn't want to keep you all waiting! But aren't you glad Ross is back home?

I'll update soon! :D

Love you all,

~Ashley xx

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