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Bridgett Brown| Bri

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Bridgett Brown| Bri.

Months have gone past, god it went by so fast its now may as Britney and I got our own place around March and we live in a nice area close to our job. Bryson and I are still together we just doing the long-distance relationship since he's always on the road working, it's still something to adjust to but I am managing it.

"Miss Bri! Miss Bri!" I turned around and it was Harley running towards me.

"Hey, Miss. Harley!" I said as she hugged my leg.

"Harley you can't be hugging random people!" Her mama said.

"But mama this is Miss Bri she's nice!" Harley said.

"Oh, so you're the girl she always talks about?" She questioned.

"Yes, nice to meet you.." I trailed off.

"Alexis!" She said.

"Nice to meet you, Alexis, you and Bryson raised a great daughter!" I said.

"Thank you, is this your child?" Alexis asked.

"Yes, this is my son Kenneth!" I said.

"Hi!" Kenneth said.

"Hey, Kenneth, nice to meet you!" Alexis said as she shook his hand.

"Hey, Harley!" He said.

"Hi, Kenny!" Harley said.

"So you with my baby daddy?" Alexis questioned.

She started looking at me up and down as I was thrown off by that but I didn't want to start anything.

"Yes, I am," I said as I grab Kenny's hand as we started walking.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I added.

"Not at all, I was just asking," Alexis said.

"Oh!" I said.

"But are you really with him because of his money and fame?" Alexis questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows.

She is pushing my buttons I have to calm down because I have my child with me and also Alexis, I don't want Harley looking at me differently if I did something to her mother.

"No why would I be?" I asked.

"You just randomly pop up into his life, just wanted to make sure he wasn't making no mistake," Alexis said.

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