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Bridgett Brown| Bri

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Bridgett Brown| Bri.

It's weird not seeing Bryson around, I know he's focusing on his music. And I am proud that he's working with amazing good people to make his music happen, but I just miss him. I haven't seen Harley since she's with her mama I swear I miss that cute Lil girl. Bryson and I will text here and there if I get lucky he will face time me and we will stay up for hours till I fall asleep, but things happen for a reason though so I am not going to get mad I put myself in this situation to date a singer so I have to be patient with everything and realize that I can't get everything like seeing Bryson. So I have been focusing on myself as I got me another job going to try to get my own place for me and Kenny but Britney wants to move in with me and I don't mind at all, so we have been working pretty damn hard to find somewhere for us to stay.

"You can move in with me," Quincy said as I kissed my teeth.

"Nah we not together Quincy, I am with someone... He would have a fit if I did that," I said.

"I want us to be a family, why can you fucking see that Bridgett!" Quincy said getting upset.

"Look you had your chance with me, I am sorry but there's not going to be an us. We just have to co-parent as we agreed on Quincy," I said.

"If he breaks your heart, don't come crying to me!" Quincy said.

I was thrown off by what he said, don't get mad cause you see another guy that I am with is making me smile.

"Whatever Quincy, take care of my son!" I said walking out.

"I will!" Quincy said as I slammed the door.

I was driving myself back home when I have gotten a call from Bryson as I put him on speaker.

"Hey, babe," Bryson said causing me to smile.

"Hey what's up, love?" I asked.

"Nothing just got off the phone with Harley and I thought of you so I called," Bryson said.

"That's so sweet of you, how is she? I haven't seen her in 2 months!" I asked.

"She's just missing daddy!" Bryson said causing us both to laugh.

"I am missing ya to," I said as I knew he was smirking.

"You missing daddy?" Bryson questioned as I laugh.

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