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Bryson Tiller | Pen Griffey

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Bryson Tiller | Pen Griffey.

I told Bridgett to pack a bag or two because I wanted her to stay over at the house and she didn't mind she wanted to get out of the house. I was waiting for her to come over as I was getting really nervous shes the only person that can get me nervous. I heard a knock on the door letting me know that is was Bridgett at the door so I went to the door and opening it for her.

"Hey Bryson!" Bri said with a smile.

"Hey Bri! You look good!" I said as she blushed.

"Thank you, you looking good too! Have you been working out?" Bri questioned.

I closed the door as we both walked into the living room.

"I been working out exactly!" I said.

Bri touched my arm to feel muscle as she blushed.

"Okay I see you!" Bri said as I laughed.

"Where is harley?" She asked.

"Shes up in her room!" I said.

"Okay ima go upstairs and put my bags in the room," Bri told me as I nodded.

"Aight, cool!" I said.

So I waited for Bridgett and Harley to come downstairs I can hear Harley saying Miss Bri out loud as I chuckled. A few moments later, they both came downstairs and we went out. We were going everywhere that Harley wanted to go we been out throughout the whole day and after that we went back to the house as Bri told us that she will make some dinner for us and we couldn't wait for her cooking so we both helped her cook and set up the table.

"This food looks so good Miss Bri!" Harley said.

"Thank you! Just wait until you taste it!" Bri said with a smile.

We all started to eat our food and it was so damn good I miss her cooking everything she cooks its winner.

"Is it that good?" Bri questioned with a laugh.

"Yeah it is!" I said.

"Well don't eat too much of it I got dessert," Bri said.

So we all went outside as I had a fire pit so I started to light it up and so we can do some smores and just be by the fire. Harley was so exicted, she had 3 smores she wanted more but I didn't want her getting sick because of too much sweets. We all sat in the area where the fire pit was at and had covers over us to keep warm since it was getting chilly as we all watch the fire it was really nice.

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